, by Charles R. Smith,
*February 25, 2002, CounterPunch,
The ADL Spying Case Is Over, But The Struggle Continues, by Jeffrey Blankfort, Anne Poirier and Steve Zeltzer, Plaintiffs in the of ADL Spying Case,
*March 1, 2002, Politech Bot,
Surveillance update: European spycams, Israel's Xacct, Japan, more, by Declan McCullagh,
*March 5, 2002, Associated Press,
U.S. Deports Israelis Amid Warnings of Espionage Activities, by Ted Bridis, AP Writer,
*March 5, 2002, Associated Press,
US Knew of Suicide Hijack Threat in 1995,
*March 5, 2002, Intelligence Online, No. 424,
The Texas Part of the Israeli Spy Ring,
*March 5, 2002, Le Monde,
An Enigma: Vast Israeli Spy Network Dismantled in the US, by Sylvain Cypel, Translated by Malcolm Garris,
*March 5, 2002, Le Monde,
Un réseau d'espionnage israélien a été démantelé aux Etats-Unis,
*March 5, 2002, Miami Herald,
Israeli official denies report of spy network, by Sara Olkon and Lenny Savino,
*March 5, 2002, Reuters,
French Reports: U.S. Busts Big Israeli Spy Ring,
March 6, 2002, Chicago Tribune,
FBI mounts media campaign to cover up Israeli spy ring story,
*March 6, 2002, Independent, UK,
Israelis 'spied on al-Qa'ida in America', by John Lichfield,
*March 6, 2002, Le Monde,
Israeli Spy Network Dismantled in the United States, by Sylvain Cypel, Translated by Malcolm Garris,
*March 6, 2002, Reuters - pakdef.org,
US busts big Israeli spy ring,
*March 6, 2002, Reuters,
French Say US Has Busted; Yet Another Big Israeli Spy Ring,
*March 7, 2002, Al Ahram,
Israeli spy-ring uncovered in US; Revelations of a secret US government report lead investigators to question whether Israeli intelligence had prior knowledge of the 11 September events, by Iason Athanasiadis,
*March 7, 2002, Fox News,
Fox News Series on Israeli Spying in the US - December 2001,
*March 7, 2002, Sun-Sentinel,
Israeli art students suspected of spying, by Jeff Shields, Staff Writer,
*March 7, 2002, The Telegraph [UK]
US arrests 200 young Israelis in spying investigation, by Ben Fenton in Washington,
*March 7, 2002, Seattle Times - Washington Post,
U.S. officials dismiss report of Israeli spies , by John Mintz and Dan Eggen,
*March 8, 2002, Antiwar.com,
9/11: The Truth Comes Out; Israel's 9/11 connection exposed – and you read it here first!, by Justin Raimondo,
*March 11, 2002, Insight Magazine,
Intelligence Agents Or Art Students?, by Paul M. Rodriguez,
*March 11, 2002, Jewish World Review,
An Israeli spy network in the United States?, by Daniel Pipes,
*March 11, 2002, South Florida Sun-Sentinel,
Israeli 'Art Students' Suspected Of Spying In South Florida, by Jeff Shields,
*March 11, 2002, Palm Beach Post,
Israeli 'Art' Deportees Were IDF Intel, Intercept, Explosives Experts, by Julia Malone, Washington Bureau,
*March 13, 2002, Antiwar.com,
The 'Urban Myth' Gambit; Apologists 'spin' Israel's spy operation in the US, by Justin Raimondo,
*March 13, 2002, Creative Loafing,
The spies who came in from the art sale; Some reporters have said what U.S. and Israeli officials don't want to hear, by John F. Sugg,
*March 15, 2002, Jane's Intelligence Digest,
Allies and Espionage,
*March 15, 2002, The Forward,
Spy Rumors Fly on Gusts of Truth; Americans Probing Reports of Israeli Espionage, by Marc Perelman,
*March 15, 2002, Antiwar.com,
Israel Versus America; The secret war is now out in the open, by Justin Raimondo,
*March 17, 2002, American Free Press,
120 Spies Deported, by Christopher Bollyn,
*March 17, 2002, Pittsburgh Tribune Review,
Israeli espionage case skirted public's radar,
March 20, 2002, UPI,
Report: Arrest pending in Blake case?,
*March 20, 2002, AfroCubaWeb,
Extract from DEA report on Israeli Spies in the US, [5 pages]
*March 20, 2002, Weekly Planet [Tampa]
The Spies Who Came in From the Art Sale, by John F. Sugg,
*March 20, 2002, Atlanta Creative Loafing,
Update: The spies who came in from the art sale; Creative Loafing has obtained a report detailing alleged Israeli spy activity in the United States, by John Sugg,
March 21, 2002, Drug Enforcement Agency, 60-page report, Suspicious Activities Involving Israeli Art Students at DEA Facilities,
*March 21, 2002, Anti-War.com,
The 'Israeli Art Student' Papers; Secret Government Report on Israel’s Spy Operation in the US, by Justin Raimondo,
*March 21, 2002, Antiwar.com,
DEA Report on Israeli Spying in the US,
March 22, 2002, NBC News 4 [6:03 p.m. EST]
Exclusive: 911 Tapes Tell Horror Of 9/11 (Part 2) Tapes Released For First Time,
*March 22, 2002, Antiwar.com,
The Truth, At Last - Leaked gov't report exposes Israeli spy ring, by Justin Raimondo,
*March 24, 2002 [1st web capture] They Dare to Speak Out, by Paul Findley, [Chicago, IL: Lawrence Hill Books. 1989]
Chapter 5: Penetrating the Defenses at Defense – and State, page 139-164,
*March 27, 2002, Creative Loafing,
Urban myth, my ass!; More proof of conspiracies -- spies, legislators and KSU, by John Sugg,
March 27, 2002, [60 pages. No date.]
Suspicious Activities Involving Israeli Art Students at DEA Facilities, by
John Sugg, senior editor at creativeloafing.com, [
Read the leaked DEA Report here]
*March 29, 2002, Executive Intelligence Review,
Administration Makes First Moves Against Israeli Spies, by Jeffrey Steinberg,
*April 1, 2002,
Insight on the News,
Vol. 18, No. 12,
Online Rumor Mill Spins Its Own Myth; Snopes.com Is Presented by Some Media Outlets as an Unbiased Arbiter of Rumors and Hoaxes, but Critics Say Its Liberal Bias Causes It to Create Urban Legends of Its Own, by John Berlau,*April 1, 2002, San Francisco Examiner,
Spy-guy Bullock wove web of intrigue, by Dan Evans, of the Examiner Staff,
*April 1, 2002, San Francisco Examiner,
Adversaries go inside ADL's spying operation, by Dan Evans, of the Examiner Staff,
*April 7, 2002, Executive Intelligence Review,
Blows Israeli Spies' Cover In September 11 Case, by Jeffrey Steinberg and Edward Spannaus,
*April 12, 2002, Rense.com,
Is Israel Really America's Friend?, by Hal Turner,
*April 14, 2002, Portland IndyMedia.org,
The secret story of Mossad and the World Trade Center attack, by Jim Moore,
June 17, 2002, NBC News,
Exclusive: 911 Tapes Tell Horror Of 9/11 (Part 2); Tapes Released For First Time,
*June 19, 2002, San Francisco Bay View,
Israeli policy dominates Black Southern contests, by Frances M. Beal,
*June 19, 2002, Washington Post,
2 FBI Whistle-Blowers Allege Lax Security, Possible Espionage, by James V. Grimaldi,
*June 21, 2002, ABC News,
Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?,
*June 21, 2002, ABC News,
The White Van; Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?,
*June 21, 2002, ABC News, 20/20,
Five Israeli men arrested soon after 911 might have been working for Israeli intelligence, but likely did not know beforehand about the attacks, by John Miller,
*June 21, 2002, Antiwar.com,
Treason Is The Reason; Mystery spies outed by FBI whistleblower, by Justin Raimondo,
*June 24, 2002, ABC News,
The White Van: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?,
*June 24, 2002, Antiwar.com,
Baba Wawa's Whitewash - Israeli spies cheer as WTC burns – not that there's anything wrong with that, says Barbara Walters, by Justin Raimondo,
*June 24, 2002, slate.msn.com,
Tell a Vision; When is a state not a state? When it's Palestinian, by William Saletan,
*June 27, 2002, Mindfully.org,
Jerusalem Under Attack, by Neve Gordon,
June 28, 2002, Yidiot Aharonot,
Published Speech by Mossad chief Efraim Halevy, NATO council in Brussels,
*June 28, 2002, Haaretz,
FBI hunting suspected terrorists with Israeli passports, by Yossi Melman and Nathan Guttman,
*July 3, 2002, The Telegraph,
US arrests 200 young Israelis in spying investigation, by Ben Fenton,
*July 11, 2002, [last update]
A Timeline Surrounding September 11th - If CIA And the Government Weren't Involved in the September 11 Attacks, What Were They Doing?, by Michael C. Ruppert,
*August 1, 2002, Pravda.ru,
Alexandr Gorobets: Clearing up situation around Ukraine’s illegal arm sale caused instituting proceedings,
*September 5, 2002, National Post [Canada]
Israeli spies accused of posing as Canadians, by Stewart Bell and Michael Friscolanti,
September 29, 2002, Media Monitors Network,
Mr. Bush, What about Israel's defiance of UN Resolutions?, An Open Letter to George W. Bush, by Michael S. Ladah & Suleiman I. Ajlouni,
*July 7, 2002, Navy Times,
Conflicting Comments Rekindle Liberty Dispute - Key Investigators Express Belief That Israel Deliberately Attacked U.S. Ship, by Bryant Jordan Times staff writer,
*July 7, 2002, Cryptome,
Verint Spying Products by Comverse Infosys,
*July 26, 2002, World Tribune,
Israeli intelligence: Narco-terror profits funded Sept. 11 attack,
*August 28, 2002, Yahoo News,
Germany holds up Israeli military shipment said headed for Iran,
*October 2, 2002, BBC News,
Report details US 'intelligence failures', by Rob Broomby, in Berlin,
*October 2, 2002, American Free Press,
Israel Conducts Massive Spying Operation in U.S., by Michael Collins Piper,
*October 2, 2002, Die Zeit,
Deadly Mistakes, by Oliver Schröm,
*October 4, 2002, Antiwar.com,
9/11: What Did Israel Know? – and when did they tell us?, by Justin Raimondo,
*October 4, 2002, National Post Online,
Israeli official denies report that Mossad followed 9/11 terrorists, by Agencies and Ha'aretz Service,
October 12, 2002, Rense.com,
Is Israel Really America's Friend?, by Hal Turner,
*October 17, 2002, Commentary,
Bali, Australia And The Mossad, by Rose Cohen, Sydney, Australia,
*November 25, 2002, BBC News,
Israel asks US for more money,
*December 11, 2002, PBS Newshour,
Improving Intelligence; Two senators discuss the 9/11 report examining the failure of intelligence agencies to prevent the terrorist attacks,
*December 13, 2002, CounterPunch,
A Rose By Another Other Name - The Bush Administration's Dual Loyalties, by Kathleen and Bill Christison, former CIA political analysts,
January 3, 2003, The Washington Times,
$15 billion asked of U.S., by Joshua Mitnick,
*January 15, 2003, UPI,
Israel to kill in U.S., allied nations, by Richard Sale, UPI Intelligence,
*February 4, 2003, AR Report Online,
New Documents reveal Ben Gurion's pre-Israel Bio-Terror War, by Orest Slepokura,
February 12, 2003, What Really Happened?,
The Five Israelis Arrested On 9/11,
February 1, 2003, Philadelphia Inquirer, Rogue movers increasingly rip off consumers, by Mitch Lipka,
March 15, 2003, The Forward [NY]
Spy Rumors Fly on Gusts of Truth,
March 31, 2003, PBS.org, Frontline,
The Palestinians and the Press; Hazards for Reporters Working in the West Bank town of Nablus celebrating the September 11 attacks, by Douglas Foster,
*April 2003 (Volume 2003-04) Exclusive Intelligence Examiner Report,
Masonic Jews Plot To Control World, by Texe Marrs,
April 1, 2003, CPJ.org,
CPJ releases Attacks on the Press in 2002 Annual report documents changing press freedom landscape: 20 journalists killed; 136 jailed at year's end,
April 12, 2003, Information Clearing House,
Busted! Mossad Exposed In Phony "Palestinian al Qaeda" Caper, by Michele Steinberg and Hussein Askary,
*April 17, 2003, cryptome,
Israeli Spies in Texas,
May 19, 2003, Alamogordo Daily News,
Cloudcroft, New Mexico Police Chief Stops Israelis With Suspicious Cargo, by Michael Shinabery,
*May 20, 2003, MadCow Morning News,
Israeli's Alibi Has 'A Few Problems", by Daniel Hopsicker,
*June 2, 2003, cassiopaea.org,
Mossad and Moving Companies: Masterminds of Global Terrorism?, by Laura Knight-Jadczyk,
*June 3, 2002, Rense.com,
Lurking Behind The 911 Smokescreen, by Victor Thorn,
June 8, 2003, PBS Frontline,
The Palestinians and the Press; Hazards for Reporters Working in the West Bank and Gaza, by Dave Gilson,
June 13, 2003, Cassiopaea.org,
The Mossad Happy Dance, by Laura Knight-Jadczyk,
July 9, 2003, The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States,
Terrorism, Al Qaeda, and the Muslim World; The Challenge Within the Muslim World, Testimony of Steven Emerson, Executive Director, The Investigative Project,
*July 25, 2003, Slate - MSNBC,
The Times Scoops That Melted; Cataloging the wretched reporting of Judith Miller, by Jack Shafer,
*July 27, 2003, LA.IndyMedia.org,
Hundreds of Mossad Agents Caught Running Wild In America!, by Warren Royal,
*July 31, 2003, UPI,
Pollard Recruiter Resurfaces in U.S., by Richard Sale, UPI Intelligence Correspondent,
*August 26, 2003, CounterPunch,
Israeli Outlaws In America; The Case of Rafi Eitan, by Kurt Nimmo,
*September 2, 2003, ADL.org,
Conspiracy Theories About Jews and 9/11 Cause Dangerous Mutations in Global Anti-Semitism,
*September 19, 2003, Ottawa Sun,
Nine Israelis face deportation ; Spy agency suspects they may be foreign agents , by John Steinbachs and Andrew Seymour,
*October 8, 2003, American Free Press,
Clintons' Pardoned Buddy Spied For Israel, by Gordon Thomas,
*November 2, 2003, Sunday Herald [Scotland] page 1,
Five Israelis were seen filming from the van on the right as jet liners ploughed into the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001. Were they part of a massive spy ring which shadowed the 911 hijackers and knew that al-Qaeda planned a devastating terrorist attack on the USA?, by Neil Mackay,
*November 3, 2003, IndyMedia,
Israeli Mossad & 9/11, by America Firste,
*November 5, 2003, Anti-War.com,
The Last Senator; One man had the moral courage to stand up to the War Party in the well of the U.S. Senate, by Justin Raimondo,
*November 10, 2003, The Egyptian Gazette,
Huge blast wrecked Mossad office building in Kirkuk in northern Iraq killing Mossad agents,
*November 12, 2003, The Egyptian Gazette,
Resistance kills Mossad agents in Iraq,
December 17, 2003, CBS News,
9/11 Chair: Attack Was Preventable,
*December 19, 2003, Rense.com,
Finest US Senate That Israeli Money Can Buy, by Jackie,
*December 31, 2003, Antiwar.com,
Year of the Liars; 2003 was a bad year for truth. Will 2004 be any better?, by Justin Raimondo,
February 21, 2004, Illuminati News,
Israeli Intelligence Agents Watched and Filmed 9/11 Attacks,
*March 21, 2004, Mafkarat all-Islam,
Iraqi Resistance takes out Mossad office in Kirkuk,
*March 21, 2004, Pravda,
In Iraq six "Mossad" agents killed,
April 6, 2004, International Herald Tribune, FBI and Ashcroft to Come under Fire, by Philip Shenon,
April 11, 2004, Financial Times, White House publicizes CIA briefing to Bush, by Edward Alden,
*April 17, 2004, The Forward,
Israel Hears Lebanese Echoes In American Occupation Woes, by Ofer Shelah,
*April 17, 2004, The Herald Sun - Australia,
Hunt On For Israeli Spy Ring In Australia, by Lincoln Wright,
*April 21, 2004, The Independent,
The Mossad Seductress Who Trapped Vanunu; How 'Cindy' The Sex Spy Found A New Life At An Exclusive Orlando Golf Suburb, by Donald Macintyre,
*April 21, 2004, Haaretz,
Capturing nuclear whistle-blower Vanunu was 'a lucky stroke,' agents recall;
Dossier of photos taken by Vanunu documenting Israel's Daimona nuclear weapons project, by Yossi Melman,
*April 22, 2004, Rense.com,
Vanunu - No Need For A Jewish State, by Israel Adam Shamir,
*April 30, 2004, Yahoo News,
Russians jailed over stolen passports,
*May 2004, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, pages 13, 94,
Special Report; Israel's Failed Assassination Attempt on U.S. Ambassador Documented, by Andrew I. Killgore,
*May 1, 2004, AP,
Gunmen Kill Six at Saudi Oil Facility, by Adnan Malik, Associated Press Writer,
*May 9, 2004, AP - The Charlotte Observer,
Two men arrested after high-speed chase in Tennessee
*May 9, 2004, WCYB5-Johnson City,
Suspicious Men Arrested,
*May 9, 2004, AP - Sarasota Herald-Tribune,
Two Israelis arrested after high-speed chase in Tennessee,
*May 9, 2004,
Kingsport Times, FBI detains two Israelis arrested in Unicoi, by Ron Scalf,
*May 10, 2004, Associated Press,
Israeli men arrested after high-speed chase in Unicoi County, by Julie Ball,
*May 10, 2004, AP,
Two Men Arrested After High-Speed Chase in Tennessee,
*May 10, 2004, AP - WBIR-TV Knoxville,
Israelis Arrested In Unicol; Provided False ID To Police,
*May 10, 2004, WATE and AP,
Men arraigned for false IDs, evading arrest in Unicoi Co.,
*May 11, 2004, Asheville Citizen-Times,
Chase suspects held without bond, by Julie Ball, Staff Writer,
*May 11, 2004, Asheville Citizen-Times,
Two Israeli Chase suspects held without bond, by Julie Ball, Staff Writer,
*May 11, 2004, Asheville Citizen-Times,
Contents of Vial Linked to Israelis Not a Threat, by Julie Ball, Staff Writer,
*May 11, 2004, Rense.com/Mad Cow News,
Rental Trucks, Moving Vans And Israelis, by Daniel Hopsicker,
*May 12, 2004, Johnson City Press,
2 Israelis detained in Erwin face deportation hearing, by Ron Scalf, Erwin Bureau,
*May 12, 2004, MadCow Morning News,
'Mover' is son of top Likud Official, by Daniel Hopsicker,
*May 12, 2004, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,
Israel’s Failed Assassination Attempt on U.S. Ambassador Documented, Special Report by Andrew I. Killgore,
*May 12, 2004, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,
Israel-Firsters Attack International Court Of Justice Hearing on Apartheid Wall, by Shirl McArthur,
*May 12, 2004, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,
Serving Two Flags: Neocons, Israel and the Bush Administration, by Stephen Green,
*May 12, 2004, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,
Pro-Israel PAC Contributions to 2004 Congressional Candidates,
*May 12, 2004, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,
Retired CIA Agent Raymond Close Discusses "Uses and Misuses of Intelligence", by Jane Adas,
*May 12, 2004, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,
Muslim-American Activism; Muslim Memorial for Rachel Corrie, by Sara Powell,
*May 12, 2004, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,
Muslim-American Activism; Show of Support for Muslim Americans at AMV Dinner, by Abdus Sattar Ghazali and Cynthia Morse,
*May 13, 2004, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs,
Israel's Failed Assassination Attempt on U.S. Ambassador Documented, by Andrew I. Killgore,
*May 14, 2004, San Francisco Examiner,
Yet Another 'Anti-Semitic Hate Crime' Debunked; Rabbi's Son Arrested In Synagogue Fire, by Ethan Fletcher, Staff Writer - SF Examiner,
*May 19, 2004, BBC News,
Lebanon 'smashes Israel spy ring',
*May 19, 2004, The Independent UK,
Homes & Lives Destroyed - Israel Fuels The Intifada, by Donald Macintyre,
*May 20, 2004, Portland IndyMedia,
Israel's genocide will end in Final Holocaust.
*May 20, 2004, Aljazeera.net,
Rabbi Supports Killing of 'Lesser Beings' In Rafah, by Khalid Amayreh, in the West Bank,
*May 20, 2004, Portland IndyMedia,
Not Seasick In Miami, by Barry Chamish,
*May 23, 2004, Associated Press,
Suspicious moving van prompt Kings Bay lockdown,
May 21, 2004, News4Jax.com, King's Bay Naval Base Locked Down,
May 23, 2004, Associated Press, Suspicious Moving Van Prompt King's Bay Shutdown,
*June 7, 2004, BBC News,
Middle East; Two BBC men shot in Saudi capital,
June 28, 2004, The New Yorker,
Plan B; As June 30th approaches, Israel looks to the Kurds, by Seymour M. Hersh,
*July 1, 2004 , Johnson City Press,
Israelis released on bond in Florida, by Ron Scalf,
August 8, 2004, Winnipeg Sun, page 6, Fundamentalist link in cheap art scam?, by Bob Holliday,
August 8, 2004, Edmonton Sun, page 6, Door-To-Door Scam 'Artists' Busted; Local Art Dealers Warn Of Cheap Reproductions, by Paul Cowan,
*August 27, 2004, CNN.com,
FBI looks at Pentagon worker in Israel spy probe; Report: Suspect has ties to Wolfowitz, Feith, by David Ensor and Terry Frieden, Washington Bureau,
*August 28, 2004, MER - MiddleEast.Org,
Israeli Pentagon Spy - Jewish Neocon Feith Hired Suspect; Israeli Pentagon Spy - Jewish Neocon Feith Hired Suspect Douglas Feith, Top Deputy To Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz At The Pentagon, Has Extensive Personal Connections To Israel And The Israeli-Jewish Lobby,
*August 29, 2004, Xymphora,
Latest Israeli Spy Story Makes No Sense,
*August 29, 2004, Gulf News.com - Rense.com,
Israel Caught Spying Again,
*August 29, 2004, Reuters,
Suspected Pentagon Spy Reportedly Served In Israel,
*August 29, 2004, Executive Intelligence Review,
Superb Chronology Of The Israeli Pentagon Spy Case; The Crimes Of Iran-Contra Have Never Ended, by Jeffrey Steinberg,
*August 30, 2004, Antiwar.com,
The Axis of Treason : Israeli spies in the Pentagon, by Justin Raimondo,
*August 30, 2004, CounterPunch,
Israeli Espionage Against the US, by Sam Husseini,
*August 30, 2004, Information Clearing House,
Johnson: FBI Furious at Leak, by Juan Cole,
*August 30, 2004, JTA.org,
Behind The Headlines; Allegations against Defense official roil Washington, shake pro-Israel lobby, by Matthew E. Berger,

August 30, 2004, JTA.org,
Jewish officials say investigation will cause only short-term damage, by Matthew E. Berger,
*August 30, 2004, Der Spiegel,
Espionage in Pentagon: FBI auf dubioser Spitzeljagd,
*August 30, 2004, UPI,
DOD spy's arrest imminent, by Richard Sale, UPI Intelligence Correspondent,
*August 30, 2004, New York Times,
Pentagon Analyst Was Cooperating When Israel Spy Case Became Public, Officials Say, by David Johnston and Eric Schmitt,
*August 30, 2004, Propaganda Matrix,
Is The Pentagon Monitoring Political Websites?,
*August 30, 2004, JTA.org,
Behind The Headlines Used to working behind the scenes, AIPAC suddenly thrust into limelight, by Matthew E. Berger,
August 31, 2004, UPI,
AIPAC: No role in document passing,
August 31, 2004, UPI,
State officials questioned in spy probe,
*August 31, 2004, Information Clearing House,
Sack AIPAC! And Abolish Their Tax Exempt Status!, by Ted Lang,
*August 31, 2004, The Australian,
Israel-Pentagon Link Confirmed, Karin Laub in Jerusalem,
*September 2004, Washington Monthly,
Iran-Contra II? Fresh scrutiny on a rogue Pentagon operation, by Joshua Micah Marshall, Laura Rozen, and Paul Glastris,
*September 2, 2004, Rense,
The Israel Espionage Probe - Does It Matter?, by Mark Weber, Institute For Historical Review,
*September 3, 2004, Forward Magazine,
Espionage Ruled Out in Case of Bad Art, by Seamus Mcgraw,
*September 3, 2004, AP - Pawtucket Times,
White House Learned of Spy Probe in 2001, by Curt Anderson, Associated Press Writer
*September 7, 2004, JTA.org,
Watching AIPAC case, Jewish groups wonder if they also are being checked, by Matthew E. Berger,
September 14, 2004 , IMRA,
Israelis Arrested on 9/11 Sue the Department of Justice ,
September 17, 2004, The Forward,
Newsdesk: Israelis Sue Over Arrests,
September 21, 2004, UPI,
Report: U.S. informant planned hits, by Shelia K. Stogsdill,
*September 21, 2004, JTA.org,
Status of AIPAC probe unclear as no recent contact reported, by Matthew E. Berger,
*September 28, 2004, Jewish Telegraphic Agency,
After four years of the intifada, violence continues at brisk clip, by Gil Sedan,
October 5, 2004, The Daily Oklahoman,
FBI Familiar With Mysterious Traveler, by Sheila K. Stogsdill,
October 13, 2004, MadCow Morning News,
COINTELPRO 9.11: Khashoggi, Cults, & Mars and Venus Doing Lunch, by Daniel Hopsicker,
*October 29, 2004, PBS NewsHour,
Bin Laden Admits 9/11 Responsibility, Warns of More Attacks,
*October 30, 2004, Fox News,
Bin Laden Claims Responsibility for 9/11,
*October 30, 2004, China Daily,
Bin Laden says he ordered 9/11 attacks,
November 2, 2004, TBRNews.org,
Buying the United States; Getting what’s Paid For: A history of Israeli bribery,
*November 18, 2004, Arutz Sheva,
Report: Zionist Death Squad Plans to Assassinate Palestinian Leaders,
*November 19, 2004, JTA,
Under a new leader, Mossad takes the fight to the terrorists, by Dan Baron,
November 19, 2004, AP - The Sydney Morning Herald,
Army wants to exhume body of Palestinian girl,
November 2004, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, pages 26-27,
New Spy Investigation Suppressed at Crucial Juncture, by Richard H. Curtiss,
*December 9, 2004, UPI,
FBI steps up AIPAC probe, by Richard Sale, UPI Intelligence Correspondent,
December 21, 2004, CorpWatch, Homeland Security, Homeland Profits, by Wayne Madsen,
*December 24, 2004, The Forward,
How FBI Employed Pentagon Analyst To ‘Sting’ Aipac, by Edwin Black,
*December 24, 2004 , The Time Online [UK]
'I looked into gunman's eyes and saw absolute hatred', by Simon Freeman, Times Online,*December 26, 2004, The Virginian-Pilot,
Trail of torture leads to Washington,
*December 31, 2004, The Forward,
Leaders Fear Probe Will Force Pro-Israel Lobby To File as 'Foreign Agent'; Israeli Envoy's Bid To Head U.S. Group Torpedoed, by Ori Nir,
*December 31, 2004, The Forward,
Spat Erupts Between Neocons, Intelligence Community, by Edwin Black,
*January 1, 2005, Antiwar.com,
The Great Crime Spree of 2004, by Justin Raimondo,
*January 5, 2005, Scotsman.com,
Israeli air traveler who "forgot" the secret plastic gun carried in his hand luggage, by Melvyn Howe,
February 6, 2005, New Zealand Press Association, Aussies Tight-Lipped Over Israeli Diplomat's Departure,
February 8, 2005, Omaha World-Herald, page 5B, Mall kiosk probe ends in Israelis' deportation An Israeli man was accused of using illegal "tourist" workers, by Cindy Gonzalez,
March 30, 2005, Pravda.ru,
Flashback: Five Israelis were seen filming as jet liners ploughed into the Twin Towers,
*April 14, 2005, American Free Press,
Mossad - The Israeli Connection To 911, by Christopher Bollyn,
*May 17, 2004, JTA.com,
U.S. Probe Of Ex-AIPAC Staffers Focusing On Alleged Conversations, by Ron Kampeas and Matthew E. Berger,
*May 25, 2005, Antiwar.com,
There's more to the AIPAC spy scandal than 'mishandling' classified information, by Justin Raimondo
*May 26, 2005, Antiwar.com,
The Franklin Affair: A Spreading Treason, by Justin Raimondo,
May 26, 2005, US Department of Justice,
Larry Franklin and Two AIPAC Members Indicted for Espionage,
*May 29, 2005, DebkaFile,
Two Suspected Israeli Computer Hackers Face Extradition from London,
*May 31, 2005, BBC News,
Israeli firms 'ran vast spy ring',
*May 31, 2005, Globes Online [Israel]
AMDOCS exec questioned in industrial espionage, by Noam Sharvit,
*June 1, 2005, AP - NBC News,
Israeli 'Trojan horse' scandal widens,
June 1, 2005, Reuters, Spyware espionage ring cracked; Israeli companies infiltrated by Trojans,
*June 2, 2005, The Times,
Mossad spied on far-right Austrian, by Roger Boyes,
June 3, 2005, Washington Post, page A7,
FBI Tapped Talks About Possible Secrets, by Jerry Markon,
*June 16, 2005, Antiwar.com,
Indictment Shows Washington Is ‘Israeli-Occupied Territory’, by Justin Raimondo,
*June 20, 2005, The American Conservative,
State of the State Secrets; Larry Franklin wanted to sway policy, not just spill intel, by Justin Raimondo,
*July 4, 2005, The New Yorker,
Letter From Washington; Real Insiders; A pro-Israel lobby and an F.B.I. sting, by Jeffrey Goldberg,
*July 7, 2005, The Guardian,
Internet takes strain as world wakes up to London blast news,
*July 16, 2005, Antiwar.com,
Rove-gate: Who Leaked to the Leakers?, by Justin Raimondo,
July 28, 2005, UPI,
FBI widens Israeli espionage probe,
*August 4, 2005, JTA.org,
Indictment of former AIPAC staffers raises the prospect of a day in court, by Ron Kampeas and Matthew E Berger,
September 2, 2005, UPI,
California terror probe widens,
*October 11, 2005, Haaretz,
Scores dead in three Amman hotel bombings; Israelis evacuated before attack, by Yoav Stern and Zohar Blumenkrantz,
*November 30, 2005, Killtown,
The Dancing Israelis on 9/11,
*December 15, 2005, AP,
Pentagon to Review Possible Database Misuse, by Robert Burns,
*December 16, 2005, New York Times,
Pentagon Is Said to Mishandle a Counterterrorism Database, by David S. Cloud,
February 10, 2006, thetruthseeker.co.uk,
Mossad and 911,
*March 29, 2006, SFGate,
Long Live The 9/11 Conspiracy!; Anyone still care about the heap of disturbing, unsolved questions surrounding Our Great Tragedy?, by Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist,
July 5, 2006, thetruthseeker.co.uk,
9/11 Conspiracy: Secrets of a Whistleblower Part I - The Truthseeker,
*July 8, 2006, APFN.net,
America's Media Still Too Cowed To Criticize Israel?,
September 7, 2006, Jewish Journal,
Illegal Israelis Lured to Mall Kiosks, by Roberto Loiederman,
*September 7, 2006, ADK.org,
9/11 Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories Still Abound,
October 2006, The Atlantic,
Prophetic Justice, by Amy Waldman,
*October 21, 2006, Little Green Footballs,
MSNBC Footage of Palestinian 9/11 Celebrations.
November 14, 2006, New York Times,
For Evangelicals, Supporting Israel Is ‘God’s Foreign Policy’, by David D. Kirkpatrick,
*November 14, 2006, New York Times,
For Evangelicals, Supporting Israel Is ‘God’s Foreign Policy’, by David D. Kirkpatrick,
December 6, 2006, Muckraker Report,
Prior knowledge of 9/11 attacks overheard in Hebrew,
*February 8, 2007, Democracy Now!,
Cheering Movers and Art Student Spies: What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks?',
*February 16, 2007, BBC News,
Conspiracy Files | Q&A: What Really happened,
*February 16, 2007, BBC News,
Conspiracy Files; Were Jews forewarned about the attacks?,
*March 7, 2007, CounterPunch,
High-Fivers and Art Student Spies; What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks?, by Christopher Ketcham,
*June 17, 2007, European Tribune,
A personal reaction to 9/11, by Jerome a Paris,
*June 21, 2007, European Tribune,
Re: Dancing in the streets, (
4.00 / 24)
*June 26, 2007, Crimes of the State Blogspot,
The Israeli Art Students and Movers Story, by Wayne Madsen,
*August 9, 2007, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Op-Ed,
To save America, we need another 9/11, by Stu Bykofsky,
*October 30, 2007, ProThink,
NSA infiltrated by hostile intelligence agents (Mossad?),
*September 11, 2007, National Review Online,
The Jews Knew? Remembering the Jewish victims of September 11, by Anne Morse,
September 30, 2007, Panorama, [German TV]
Images, reports, concern - The media and the disaster, [Staged Palestinian Jubilation]
November 15, 2007, Haaretz,
French Court Examines Footage of Mohammad al-Dura's Death; Allegedly staged TV report on death of boy during Gaza clashes is screened in defamation case against station,
December 7, 2007, Jerusalem Post,
Two Israeli Arabs planning terror attacks used al- Qaida as source of inspiration,
*December 21, 2007, TruthAlliance.net,
Vans With Explosives Confirmed at the World Trade Center on September 11th, by Jonathan,
*March 8, 2008 [Last Update] Snopes.com, Rumors of War, False Footaging,
Claim: CNN used old footage to fake images of 'Palestinians dancing in the street' after the terrorist attack on the USA.
*March 9, 2008, Snopes, Fact Check; September 11
False Footaging; Did CNN fake footage of 'Palestinians dancing in the street' after the terrorist attack on the USA?, by David Mikkelson,
April 1, 2008, Jerusalem Post,
Poll: Most Israelis back sending Israeli Arabs to a Palestinian state,
April 16, 2008, Haaretz - Reuters,
Report: Netanyahu Says 9/11 Terror Attacks Good for Israel ; According to Ma'ariv, Netanyahu said Israel is 'benefiting from attack' as it 'swung American public opinion',
*April 22, 2008, AP - CNN World,
Al Qaeda No. 2: Attacks on Western nations in works,
*April 22, 2008, USA Today,
Al-Qaeda No. 2 says Iran propagated 9/11 theory,
*May 8, 2004, Antiwar.com,
A Timeline of Torture & Abuse Allegations and Responses, by Human Rights Watch,
May 16, 2008, Dvorak Uncensored,
The Experts Are Starting To Say The 9/11 Conspiracy Wackos May Be Right, by Uncle Dave,
*June 2, 2008, The American Conservative,
The Spy Who Loves Us; Pay no mind to the Mossad agent on the line, by Philip Giraldi,
*June 2, 2008 [2:27 AM] The Philadelphia Inquirer,
How Cozen took on a kingdom for 9/11 liability, by Chris Mondics, Inquirer Staff Writer, Second of two parts,
August 25, 2008, What Really Happened,
The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9-11,
September 8, 2008, BBC News, Al-Qaeda 'marks 9/11 with video,
*October 5, 2008, Canada.com,
Be wary of those who say 9/11 was a fake,
February 19, 2009, Propaganda Matrix,
Cousin Of Alleged 9/11 Hijacker Exposed As Israeli Spy; Another Israeli intelligence connection to 2001 attacks on New York and Washington, by Paul Joseph Watson,
*March 10, 2009, Mondoweiss,
There's further evidence that the lobby is going the way of the wicked witch of the west, by Philip Weiss,March 31, 2009, Wake Up From Your Slumber,
Working in Tokyo for the Israeli Mafia,
May 31, 2009 [1st web capture] bollyn.com,
Five Dancing Israelis; 9-11 Mossad Agents Admit Mission: "Our Purpose Was To Document The Event", by Christopher Bollyn,
June 19, 2009, Online Journal,
Mossad still stalking malls near U.S. military bases, by Wayne Madsen, Online Journal Contributing Writer,
*June 23, 2009, Socialist Worker [UK]
David Aaronovitch: Cover-ups, collusion and conspiracies,
Archived,August 12 2009, abovetopsecret.com,
Media Manipulation - Palestinians Dancing on 9/11 Vids,
August 17, 2009 , Zionism Stinks,
Mossad Agents Back in the Malls - 9-11 Profiteer Lowy Owns Malls Israelis Work In (Deja Vu All Over Again?),
August 18, 2009 , wakeupfromyourslumber.blogspot,
Israeli Mall Spy Disrupts Commercial Flight,
August 18, 2009 , Zionism Stinks Bog,
9-11, Mossad Mall Spies, Zoomcopters and Dominik Suter,
September 18, 2009, Zionism Stinks,
The Billion Dollar Israeli Scammer Machine,
September 19, 2009, Zionism Stinks,
Are the "Dancing Israelis" Plotting Revenge? And Why is (at least) One of Them Still Residing in the US?,
*October 2009, Rense.com,
The 14 Israeli 'Art Students' Were Inside The WTC Towers, Camping With Construction Passes, by Dick Eastman,
October 12, 2009, Rense.com,
The 14 Israeli 'Art Students' Were Inside The WTC Towers Camping With Construction Passes Part II, by Dick Eastman,
*October 17, 2009, 911 Scholars.com,
Indications of Israeli Involvement on 9/11 posted by Kevin Barrett, Part III,
October 25, 2009, Zionism Stinks,
Suter's Back in Town - 9-11's Dominik Suter is Alive and Well and Living in New Jersey?,
*December 19, 2009, Wall Street Journal,
Conspiracy-Theory Theory; How to fend off the people who insist they know the 'real story' behind everything, by Aaron Aaronovitch,
*January 1, 2010, CounterPunch,
The Israel Lobby's War on Al Manar TV, by Franklin Lamb
January 19, 2010, doeda.com,
Was September 11th a cover up of a financial fraud?,
March 5, 2010, Zionism Stinks Blog,
9-11's Dancing Israelis bailed on 3+ Million $ Debt,
March 27, 2010, Take Back Our World,
Dancing Israelis: Further Evidence of Foreknowledge,
April 6, 2010, The Information Underground, One of Dancing Israeli Suter's Enterprises Still Going Strong?,
June 25, 2010, Zionism Stinks,
From Union to Scab Labor at the WTC - 9-11's Missing Link?,
August 7, 2010, Wake Up From Your Slumber,
Snopes.com and the Odigo 9-11 Messages,
June 25, 2010, Zionism Stinks,
From Union to Scab Labor at the World Trade Center - 9-11's Missing Link?,
*July 21, 2010, Veterans News Now,
Myth-Debunking Snopes Obscures Israel's Role in 9/11,
*September 11, 2010, Breitbart.tv,
Remember: Palestinians Celebrate News of 9/11 Attacks Sep 11, 2010 ... They danced in the street and handed out candy to children,
April 11, 2011, Zionism Stinks,
9-11 - A date awaited by Rabbis for the past 400 years,
May 14, 2011 [1st web capture] History Commons,
They Tried to Warn Us: Foreign Intelligence Warnings Before 9/11, by Paul Thompson,
May 18, 2011, Huffington Post,
AP Fighting With Government Over Bin Laden Photo FOIA Request,
May 18, 2011, The Denver Post,
News organization seeks raid documents,
*May 21, 2011, New York Times,
Iran accused of September 11 role, by Benjamin Weiser and Scott Shane,
September 8, 2011, The Globe and Mail,
Hush hush on Egypt's phantom flight to Israel, by Patrick Martin,
*September 8, 2011, Florida Bulldog,
FBI found direct ties between 9/11 hijackers and Saudis living in Florida; Congress kept in dark, by Anthony Summers and Dan Christensen,
*September 9, 2011, ABC News,
Undaunted, 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists Offer Alternate Theories for How Sept. 11 Terror Attacks Were Carried Out, by Joel Siegel,September 9, 2011, Elder of Ziyon,
An eyewitness to Arab 9/11 celebrations in Beirut, The original Wall Street Journal article is no longer available, but
this account by Elisabetta Burba about her experiences in Lebanon is a must-read,
*September 18, 2011, The Independent,
Lloyd's insurer sues Saudi Arabia for 'funding 9/11 attacks', by Cahal Milmo, [Blame Saudis]
September 20, 2011, Empire Strikes Back,
September 11, 2001: Zionist shock therapy and the birth of the lie,
*September 22, 2011, whowhatwhy.org,
Saudi Royal Ties to 9/11 Hijackers Via Florida Saudi Family, by Russ Baker,
*September 23, 2011, American Free Press,
9-11 Cop Breaks Silence [and Other Info on Mossad Ties to 9/11 Attack], by Dave Gahary,October 14, 2011, American Free Press,
9-11 Cop Who Arrested Dancing Israelis Speaks,
October 31, 2011, 9/11 Truth Nor Cal,
Recently Deceased Crown Prince Sultan and his son Bandar "Bush" Epitomize Highly Questionable Saudi 9/11 Connections, by Brian Romanoff,
*November 26, 2001, Sarasota Herald Tribune,
FBI confiscates CD recorded in Sarasota by band called Arab Assassins, by Tom Bayles,
*January 13, 2012, Haaretz,
'Israeli Mossad Agents Posed as CIA Spies to Recruit Terrorists to Fight Against Iran'; Foreign Policy magazine cites CIA memos from 2007-2008 that the Mossad recruited members of Jundallah terror group to fight against Tehran; U.S. was reportedly furious with Israel and moved to limit joint intelligence programs, by Barak Ravid,January 13, 2012, Zionism Stinks,
US Consulate whistleblower: 9/11 hijackers passports were issued by the CIA,
March 17 2012 [1st web capture] Wake Up From Your Slumber,
9-11 Commission attorney tied to Jewish Mafia,
May 18, 2012, StevenWarRan,
The Dancing Israelis, or the Dancing Palestinians?
May 20, 2012, StevenWarRan,
Early Media Accounts of Arab Reaction to 9/11,
May 25, 2012, StevenWarRan Research,
May 26, 2012, StevenWarRan.
Jerusalem Post Articles,
May 29, 2012, StevenWarRan Backstage,
Arabic Media Internet Network,
June 12, 2012, docstalk.blogspot,
Remember This? CAMERA Alert: PA Blocks Coverage of Palestinians Cheering 9/11 Attacks, by GS Don Morris, Ph.D./Chana Givon,
*July 19, 2012, Architect Magazine,
Architects Shy From Truther 9/11 Conspiracy Theory, by Jeremy Stahl,
*July 31, 2012, Rense.com,
CIA Calls Israel Main US Regional Spy Threat, by Stephen Lendman,
*November 8, 2012, Veterans Today,
9/11: Civil Court Finds Against Arrested "Dancing Israelis"; Arrested On 9/11 Later Sued The Govt, But Lost Their Case, by Martin Hill – LibertyFight.com,
November 11, 2012, Zionism Stinks,
9-11 and the October 19, 2001 Philly bus station bomb,
Archived,November 29, 2012, Washington Post,
US to build mysterious 'Site 911' in Israel , by Walter Pincus,
March 6, 2013,
Masters of Deception; Zionism, 9/11 and the War on Terror Hoax [Complete] by Zander C. Fuerza,
*April 7, 2013, BBC News,
Frank Gardner's return to Saudi Arabia,
*June 1, 2013, MyCatBirdSeat.com,,
The machiavellian threefold game of the neoconservatives, by Laurent Guyenot,
July 4, 2013, Kenny's Sideshow,
The Dancing Israelis Docs,
November 11, 2013, Conscious Life News,
Top Secret: The Missing 9/11, Cold War Link, by Ariel Pullen,
*January 1, 2014, Israeli Connections to 9/11,
Dancing Israelis; The Five Dancing Israelis: September 11th Foreknowledge and Possible Complicity Corroborated by Evidence from FBI Investigation and Other New Information, by Keith Maart,
January 13, 2014, Wakeup From Your Slumber,
A ‘fast track’ to less democracy and more economic dislocation, by Tom Sullivan,
February 20, 2014,
Zim Shipping: New Evidence suggests Six Months Foreknowledge of the September 11th Attack Date and Potential Involvement in the Israeli Deep Cover Operation, by Keith Maart,
*March 13, 2014, The Unz Review,
Israel is no Ally; But is it even a friend?, by Philip Giraldi,
*September 6, 2014, Veterans Today,
9/11: The Shocking Truth Laid Bare; Who Did 9/11?, by Lasha Darkmoon,
*November 23, 2014, The Telegraph,
Frank Gardner: I will never forgive the terrorists who did this to me; BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner’s life changed for ever when he was shot in 2004 – and, as the last of his Islamist assailants is sentenced to be hanged, he won't be calling for a pardon, by Cole Moreton,
*April 6, 2015, Mindfully.org,
The "Dancing Israelis" FBI Report - Debunked,
*April 6, 2015, American Free Press,
Brother of 9-11 Victim Sues BBC, by Victor Thorn,November 12, 2015, The Wall Street Journal,
Suicide Bombings Kill Dozens in Beirut Suburb,
November 22, 2015, NJ.com,
Critics say Trump is wrong about cheering in Jersey City on 9/11, by
Brent Johnson, NJ Advance Media for NJ.com,
*November 26, 2015, Mondoweiss,
Trump's claim of 9/11 celebration in New Jersey is based on arrest of 5 'laughing' Israelis, by Philip Weiss,
*November 27, 2015, Raw Story,
Trump almost got it right: Some people were arrested for celebrating 9/11 — but they were Israeli, by Travis Gettys,
November 30, 2015, NJ.com,
Trump on Christie 9/11 response: 'He really needs to be careful about what he says', by Claude Brodesser-Akner, NJ Advance Media for NJ.com,
November 30, 2015, NJ.com,
Did Christie just go harder at Trump in dismissing 9/11 cheering Muslim claim?, by Claude Brodesser-Akner, NJ Advance Media for NJ.com,
December 4, 2015, The Gateway Pundit,
AP Called Out for Hiding Video of Thousands of Palestinians Celebrating 9/11 Attacks, by Kristinn Taylor,
December 21, 2015, NJ.com,
Exclusive: Some Jersey City Muslims did celebrate 9/11, cop and residents say, by Mark Mueller, NJ Advance Media for NJ.com,
*January 31, 2016, Global Research,
Longstanding US-UK Spying on Israeli Military Operations. Israel Also Spies On America, by Stephen Lendman,
February 1, 2016 [1st web capture] KenDoc911,
5 Dancing Israeli's,
April 21, 2016, MEMRI, Special Dispatch No.6397,
Against Backdrop Of Obama's Visit To Riyadh: Saudi, Gulf Press Furious At Allegations Of Saudi Involvement In September 11 Attacks,
May 19, 2016, MEMRI, Special Dispatch No.6438,
Article In Saudi Daily: U.S. Planned, Carried Out 9/11 Attacks – But Blames Others For Them,
*May 23, 2016, Christopher Bollyn,
The Dual-Deception of 9/11 and the War on Terror,
*May 29, 2016, Christopher Bollyn,
How Israel Created the Fiend for the War on Terror,
*August 10, 2016, JTA.org,
News Brief; Trump’s 2nd Amendment remarks earn comparisons to atmosphere prior to Rabin killing,
*August 11, 2016, JTA.org,
Family of slain Jewish DNC staffer appeals for an end to conspiracy theories, by Ron Kampeas,
*August 28, 2016, Today's Catholic World,
9-11 Attacks: The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested on 9-11,
*September 29, 2016, The New York Times,
How Donald Trump Set Off a Civil War Within the Right-Wing Media; Since the candidate clinched the nomination, the green room has become a chilly place, by Robert Draper,