At one point, the Blackwater sniper is heard to say,
"Jesus Christ! It's like a fucking turkey shoot!"
In another video, a Blackwater promo, a direct connection is made between the events of September 11, 2001 and the war against Iraq, suggesting some sort of moral rational for undertaking these acts of brutality, BUT THAT'S JUST ANOTHER LIE!
O.K. Add it to the list.
These pimps of violence will be brought to justice, along with all the sordid Bush cabel, its family operatives and aligned politicians, "Pioneer"-bundlers and other crooked corporate fatcats.
The tide has turned. Bush is playing defense now. The crimes against humanity commited by these amoral horrors will demand a massive penalty.
Blackwater, you may want to start shreding your employee records, don't you think?
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