They outdid themselves this year. The party which is only given on the years when Halloween falls on a Saturday (My famous drag performance, when I came as the Madonna/Whore Complex and performed a medley of songs by Mike Stoller and Jerry Leiber, which even included a major wig change, mid-number, was I believe 1994 or 1995.) had grown so large that it outgrew its domestic origins and was held for the first time at a beautifully decorated Water Mill Field House. Joe clearly ranks as a modern-day Perle Mesta---or Helga the Hostess of Horror at least.

Sixties Pamela didn't make it into the group shot because she wouldn't stop dancing and get down off the stage.

This year I came as a Tran-sexual Gladiator in a see-through toga made of shower curtains.

I'd bought a real gladiator helmet when I was in Rome and had it shipped back. I thought I needed to bring the look back down with an improvised Chiton.

I had a bag of Roman Gladiator shields, which were once part of the MGM prop collection. In the fifties, when they did big battle scenes, they would often film them in 1/16 scale, and these battle shields were created for that purpose.

I ran leather shoe laces through them and glued wire to the backs with which to gather up folds of fabric and twist-tie them into place.

It was a nice idea, but when I started to dance and sweat the whole thing nearly fell apart. People said I was a
gladiator cloud.
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