U.C.L.A. Dept. of Epidemiology, Ralph R. Frerichs,
Contemporary History of Bioterrorism,
Media Coverage of 2001-2003 following Sept. 11, (Anthrax)
Following the devastating events of Sept. 11, 2001, the United States became very concerned with bioterrorism. This site presents 1,600+ news articles on bioterrorism-related diseases or events of epidemiologic and public health interest. The non-profit site was created by Prof. Ralph R. Frerichs for students, health professionals and the general public. Included here are news postings of December 2001. For other months, click on the month by year in left column. For list of all articles in December by category, click on subject under "contemp. history" in left column.
Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (October 2001)
ANTHRAX: Florida man hospitalized with Anthrax (10/5/01)
ANTHRAX: No terror link seen in Florida Anthrax (10/5/01)
ANTHRAX: Scientist's Anthrax claim was bogus (10/5/01)
ANTHRAX: Florida man dies of rare form of Anthrax (10/6/01)
ANTHRAX: Health officials seek clues in Anthrax death (10/6/01)
ANTHRAX: Tests show Anthrax bacteria in second Florida man (10/8/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax alarm (10/8/01)
ANTHRAX: Second Anthrax case in Florida (10/9/01)
ANTHRAX: Florida case doesn't fit terrorism profile (10/9/01)
ANTHRAX: 'Gatekeeper' is infected (10/13/01)
ANTHRAX: Letter to Brokaw traced (10/14/01)
ANTHRAX: Mixed signals over testing (10/14/01)
ANTHRAX: Florida doctor found first clue of Anthrax (10/14/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax scare comes to Capitol Hill (10/16/01)
ANTHRAX: Using anthrax as a weapon (10/17/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax on Senate letter called potent (10/17/01)
ANTHRAX: Baby's case may be first for U.S. kid (10/17/01)
ANTHRAX: CBS anchor Rather calls anthrax 'psychological warfare' (10/18/01)
ANTHRAX: Six Anthrax infections confirmed, $1 million reward offered (10/18/01)
ANTHRAX: British woman is Anthrax victim (10/19/01)
ANTHRAX: Three Anthrax cases linked, officials say (10/20/01)
ANTHRAX: Giving the finger to bioterrorists (10/20/01)
ANTHRAX: FBI: Letter in Post mailroom contains anthrax (10/21/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax victim's long wait for diagnosis (10/21/01)
ANTHRAX: District postal worker seriously ill (10/22/01)
ANTHRAX: N.J. worker may have inhalation Anthrax (10/23/01)
ANTHRAX: New Anthrax case in Virginia, probable cases in NY, NJ (10/25/01)
ANTHRAX: U.S. says Anthrax germ in mail is 'Ames' strain (10/26/01)
ANTHRAX: Town faces Anthrax threat with rising apprehension (10/26/01)
ANTHRAX: Every American's worst nightmare by the people who lived it (10/26/01)
ANTHRAX: Treating Anthrax victim was difficult (10/26/01)
ANTHRAX: Va. case alters Anthrax equation (10/26/01)
ANTHRAX: Two men who were just doing their jobs -- 1 (10/26/01)
ANTHRAX: Two men who were just doing their jobs -- 2 (10/26/01)
ANTHRAX: Risk of deliberately induced anthrax outbreak (10/27/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax outbreak of 1957 in a New Hampshire mill (10/27/01)
ANTHRAX: Learning Anthrax, case by case (10/27/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax mystery and effort to solve it unfolded, case by nerve-racking case (10/27/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax hides along cattle trails of the Old West (10/29/01)
ANTHRAX: Downside of widespread Cipro use (10/29/01)
ANTHRAX: Knowledge of disease exposure as defense (10/29/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax in five more D.C. buildings (10/30/01)
ANTHRAX: Another regional N.J. post office is closed after employee develops possible skin Anthrax (10/31/01)
ANTHRAX: Early warning (10/31/01)
Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (November 2001)
ANTHRAX: Pre-9/11 ‘terrorist' mail came from Indy (11/1/01)
ANTHRAX: Spread of Anthrax (11/2/01)
ANTHRAX: Seven days in October spotlight weakness of U.S. response to threat of bioterrorism (11/2/01)
ANTHRAX: C lusters of illness suggest that most infections came from two mailings (11/2/01)
ANTHRAX: Third Anthrax case at NY Post (11/2/01)
ANTHRAX: Congress considers updated disease-warning systems (11/2/01)
ANTHRAX: Prophylactic treatment of anthrax with antibiotics (11/3/01)
ANTHRAX: Bioweapon tests of cold war era may help in 2001 (11/3/01)
ANTHRAX: Hamilton office bin contained Anthrax (11/3/01)
ANTHRAX: Uncovering an epidemiological enigma, slowly (11/5/01)
ANTHRAX: U.S. looks for more vaccine sources (11/5/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax has inspired dread and breakthroughs (11/5/01)
ANTHRAX: FBI to test tons of quarantined letters at Washington-area site (11/5/01)
ANTHRAX: An thrax investigators are hoping Bronx case leads them to source (11/6/01)
ANTHRAX: New probes show earlier Anthrax tests to be false (11/6/01)
ANTHRAX: Yale alum has skin Anthrax (11/6/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax spores in ABC mailroom (11/7/01)
ANTHRAX: City postal risk of Anthrax 'very low' (11/7/01)
ANTHRAX: Medical investigator's search for Anthrax a frustrating trail (11/7/01)
ANTHRAX: Inability to trace Anthrax poses large security threat, experts say (11/7/01)
ANTHRAX: Inhalation Anthrax disperses (11/7/01)
ANTHRAX: Clinical presentation of inhalational Anthrax following bioterrorism exposure -- Report of 2 surviving patients. JAMA 286, 2549-2553, 2001 (11/7/01)
ANTHRAX: Death due to bioterrorism-related inhalational Anthrax -- Rreport of 2 patients. JAMA 286, 2554-2559, 2001 (11/7/01)
ANTHRAX: Index case of fatal inhalation Anthrax due to bioterrorism in the United States. NEJM 345(20), advanced publication, (11/8/01)
ANTHRAX: Bioterrorism-related inhalation Anthrax: The first 10 cases reported in the United States. Emerging Infectious Diseases 7(6), expedited (11/8/01)
ANTHRAX: Infant's Anthrax enters journal (11/8/01)
ANTHRAX: Postal worker called 911 on day he died (11/8/01)
ANTHRAX: Two scientists tracing anthrax family tree investigate origins of strain from attacks (11/8/01)
ANTHRAX: Ho spital worker's infection poses troubling possibilities (11/8/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax victim still considering her options (11/8/01)
ANTHRAX: Ne w tools emerging to speed Anthrax detection (11/8/01)
ANTHRAX: 5,000 of 32,000 on antibiotics need 60-day course, CDC says new Anthrax guidelines aim to limit number of needless prescriptions (11/9/01)
ANTHRAX: Cipro recipients developing side effects (11/9/01)
ANTHRAX: FBI evidence assessment of anthrax letters (11/9/01)
ANTHRAX: Si ngle letter with Anthrax Is discounted (11/10/01)
ANTHRAX: Struggles of law enforcement and public health teamwork (11/10/01)
ANTHRAX: Loner likely sent Anthrax, FBI says (11/10/01)
ANTHRAX: Doctor who treated early Anthrax case criticizes government's initial response (11/10/01)
ANTHRAX: Despite odds, Anthrax patients go home (11/10/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax cases still a mystery (11/11/01)
ANTHRAX: Letters left trail of Anthrax contamination (11/11/01)
ANTHRAX: Thousands worldwide infected with natural Anthrax (11/11/01)
ANTHRAX: Kathy Nguyen's mystery Anthrax link (11/11/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax vaccine mired in red tape (11/11/01)
ANTHRAX: Success by shoe leather, intuition (11/11/01)
ANTHRAX: W ork and home clear, Anthrax search widens (11/12/01)
ANTHRAX: The Ames strain (11/12/01)
ANTHRAX: Doctors recommend steps to take during outbreaks (11/13/01)
ANTHRAX: New findings point to Anthrax letter to State Dept. (11/14/01)
ANTHRAX: Postal worker's family suing over Anthrax death (11/14/01)
ANTHRAX: Last inhalation Anthrax patient goes home (11/14/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax attacks: who's liable? (11/14/01)
ANTHRAX: New hunt for letter at State Dept. site (11/14/01)
ANTHRAX: NYC’s Southeast Asian community mourns Kathy Nguyen (11/15/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax fears tax health departments (11/15/01)
ANTHRAX: Veterinarians urged to watch for anthrax cases (11/15/01)
ANTHRAX: Did tabloid get multiple anthrax letters? (11/16/01)
ANTHRAX: Suspicious letter to senator tests positive for Anthrax (11/17/01)
ANTHRAX: Officials hope for new clues in Senate mail (11/18/01)
ANTHRAX: How the experts missed Anthrax (11/19/01)
ANTHRAX: Case of N.Y. anthrax victim intrigues officials (11/19/01)
ANTHRAX: Investigators liken anthrax in Leahy letter to that sent to Daschle (11/20/01)
ANTHRAX: New Anthrax case feared in Northeast (11/21/01)
ANTHRAX: Officials confirm inhalation Anthrax in 94-year-old Connecticut woman (11/21/01)
ANTHRAX: Connecticut woman, 94, Is fifth to die from inhalation Anthrax (11/22/01)
ANTHRAX: Case in a small town compounds a puzzle for epidemiologists (11/22/01)
ANTHRAX: Deadly Anthrax strain leaves a muddy trail (11/25/01)
ANTHRAX: Source of Conn. Anthrax remains a mystery (11/26/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax puzzle persists as letter in Chile looks different from those found in U.S. (11/27/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax victims' fate varied by their hospital and doctor (11/27/01)
ANTHRAX: Careful plan devised for Anthrax letter (11/27/01)
ANTHRAX: Genome offers 'fingerprint' for Anthrax (11/28/01)
ANTHRAX: New FBI team tackles Anthrax (11/28/01)
ANTHRAX: A terrorist's fragile footprint (11/29/01)
ANTHRAX: U.S. confirms Anthrax in Chilean letter (11/29/01)
ANTHRAX: U.S. believes lab contamination was source of Anthrax in Chile (11/29/01)
ANTHRAX: U. S. Ames strain of Anthrax limited to few labs (11/30/01)
ANTHRAX: A solution for Anthrax mystery (11/30/01)
ANTHRAX: Sweep of AMI building found anthrax in nearly 90 spots (11/30/01)
Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (December 2001)
ANTHRAX: Conn. letter has spores of Anthrax (12/1/01)
ANTHRAX: Conn. detects Anthrax on a letter near victim's home (12/1/01)
ANTHRAX: Daschle's Offices Fumigated for Anthrax (12/2/01)
ANTHRAX: An thrax inquiry looks at U.S. labs (12/2/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax found at Conn. post office (12/2/01)
ANTHRAX: Postal center in Connecticut shows traces of Anthrax (12/3/01)
ANTHRAX: Bronx Letter may hold clues to Anthrax death (12/3/01)
ANTHRAX: T error Anthrax linked to type made by U.S. (12/3/01)
ANTHRAX: Clues, overlooked, to a coming threat (12/3/01)
ANTHRAX: Demanding a diagnosis, and outwitting Anthrax (12/3/01)
ANTHRAX: Electrostatic charge kept Anthrax spores from spreading more, investigators say (12/3/01)
ANTHRAX: First challenge in Anthrax case: not missing it (12/4/01)
ANTHRAX: Officials say Anthrax-tainted letters were sent near addresses of victims (12/4/01)
ANTHRAX: Mor e mail believed to be tainted (12/4/01)
ANTHRAX: U.S. says thousands of letters might be tinged with Anthrax (12/4/01)
ANTHRAX: Likeness seen between Anthrax sent to senators and to Florida (12/5/01)
ANTHRAX: Postal service seeks to soothe fears about Anthrax letters (12/5/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax assurances cited as threat to public trust (12/5/01)
ANTHRAX: Minorities may not trust Anthrax plans (12/5/01)
ANTHRAX: No Anthrax found near NYC victim's home (12/5/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax investigators open letter sent to Senator Leahy (12/6/01)
ANTHRAX: Tainted letter opened with care (12/6/01)
ANTHRAX: CDC sets 'tips' on handling mail (12/6/01)
ANTHRAX: Escaping the grip of Anthrax (12/6/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax investigation tracks vaccinations (12/6/01)
ANTHRAX: Leahy mail contains same message as Daschle letter (12/7/01)
ANTHRAX: CDC issues tips for avoiding Anthrax but stops short of broad guidelines (12/7/01)
ANTHRAX: Tracking of Anthrax letter yields clues (12/7/01)
ANTHRAX: In sizing up Anthrax, don't trust your gut (12/7/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax found in Fed's mail (12/7/01)
ANTHRAX: Ex-anthrax makers want FBI to talk with them (12/9/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax experts compare notes (12/9/01)
ANTHRAX: Compilation of evidence and comments on the source of the mailed Anthrax (12/10/01)
ANTHRAX: Chronology of anthrax events (12/10/01)
ANTHRAX: Tests by EPA and CDC find Anthrax spores don't stay put (12/11/01)
ANTHRAX: New questions raised on Anthrax perils (12/11/01)
ANTHRAX: The Anthrax probe ranges far and wide as investigators scour tips, trash for leads (12/11/01)
ANTHRAX: Canadian officials did research on Anthrax before U.S. attacks (12/12/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax peril was likely high in Senate (12/12/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax matches Army spores (12/12/01)
ANTHRAX: C. D.C. issues challenge to nation's scientists to find the answers to Anthrax mysteries (12/12/01)
ANTHRAX: Federal officials inspect university labs for bioterror risks (12/12/01)
ANTHRAX: C DC acquires Anthrax vaccine (12/13/01)
ANTHRAX: Army working on weapons-grade Anthrax (12/13/01)
ANTHRAX: Army says mailed Anthrax not linked to its program (12/13/01)
ANTHRAX: U.S. seeks foreign help for answers on Anthrax (12/13/01)
ANTHRAX: Army confirms experiments with Anthrax at Utah facility (12/14/01)
ANTHRAX: Army's Anthrax material surprises some experts (12/14/01)
ANTHRAX: F. B.I. queries expert who sees Federal lab tie in Anthrax cases (12/14/01)
ANTHRAX: Experts assess officials on Anthrax outbreak (12/14/01)
ANTHRAX: Preparation for Anthrax is called for (12/15/01)
ANTHRAX: Connecticut strains to handle Anthrax fears (12/15/01)
ANTHRAX: Hart building remains closed for new attempt at cleanup (12/15/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax lingers at Senate building (12/15/01)
ANTHRAX: Capitol hill Anthrax matches Army's stocks (12/16/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax vaccine may be offered to wider group (12/16/01)
ANTHRAX: Capitol hill Anthrax not from CIA lab - CIA (12/16/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax tests showing gene link add to domestic terrorism theory (12/17/01)
ANTHRAX: Army doubts lab Is Anthrax source (12/17/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax's dogged detective (12/17/01)
ANTHRAX: White House says Anthrax came from U.S.; advanced DNA tests may pinpoint source (12/18/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax vaccine urged for Hill staff (12/18/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax may be domestic, U.S. believes (12/18/01)
ANTHRAX: Former anthrax site called safe (12/18/01)
ANTHRAX: U.S. will offer Anthrax shots for thousands (12/19/01)
ANTHRAX: Vaccinations are offered to 10,000 people who may have been exposed to Anthrax (12/19/01)
ANTHRAX: U.S. offers Anthrax vaccine to thousands (12/19/01)
ANTHRAX: Vaccination editorial: double exposure (12/19/01)
ANTHRAX: U.S. health officials issue Anthrax vaccine for those exposed to bacteria (12/19/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax inquiry focuses on labs (12/19/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax: The story so far (12/19/01)
ANTHRAX: An thrax: Where the investigation stands (12/19/01)
ANTHRAX: U.S. Anthrax vaccine plan sows confusion and anger (12/20/01)
ANTHRAX: Lingering worries over vaccine (12/20/01)
ANTHRAX: As U.S. offers Anthrax shots, safety debate begins again (12/20/01)
ANTHRAX: Vaccination editorial: a muddled message on Anthrax vaccine (12/20/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax vaccinations delayed (12/20/01)
ANTHRAX: FDA completes BioPort lab inspections (12/20/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax Widespread at Brentwood (12/21/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax exposure estimates increased (12/21/01)
ANTHRAX: FBI investigates possible financial motive in Anthrax attacks (12/21/01)
ANTHRAX: U.S. response to Anthrax mailings becomes even more complicated (12/21/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax genetic trail may be a dead end (12/21/01)
ANTHRAX: Scientists advise on Anthrax vaccine (12/21/01)
ANTHRAX: CDC rushed paperwork for Anthrax vaccinations (12/22/01)
ANTHRAX: Postal workers to receive Anthrax advice (12/22/01)
ANTHRAX: Vaccine offer worries Blumenthal (12/22/01)
ANTHRAX: U.S. inquiry tried, but failed, to link Iraq to Anthrax attack (12/22/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax (12/23/01)
ANTHRAX: Army harvested victims' blood to boost anthrax (12/23/01)
ANTHRAX: Perpetrator, motive remain elusive in Anthrax case (12/23/01)
ANTHRAX: U.S. begins testing security systems of university labs that use Anthrax (12/24/01)
ANTHRAX: Tracking bioterror's tangled course (12/26/01)
ANTHRAX: Ho w the cases unfolded (12/26/01)
ANTHRAX: Bioterror attack raises more questions (12/26/01)
ANTHRAX: Scientists at loss in Anthrax probe (12/27/01)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax survivor delivers his thanks (12/29/01)
ANTHRAX: The story of 'a genteel lady' (12/30/01)
ANTHRAX: Editorial: No Anthrax answers this year (12/31/01)
ANTHRAX: Few eligibles take Anthrax vaccine (12/31/01)
Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (January 2002)
ANTHRAX: Hart treatment ends; crews test for spores (1/1/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax vaccine rejected (1/4/02)
ANTHRAX: Profile of a killer (1/4/02)
ANTHRAX: Everyone has an anthrax theory (1/6/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax missteps offer guide to fight next bioterror battle (1/6/02)
ANTHRAX: Market Is born of Anthrax threat (1/6/02)
ANTHRAX: Vaccinated soldiers' blood may be used as experimental treatment for anthrax (1/7/02)
ANTHRAX: Workers exposed to Anthrax shun vaccine (1/8/02)
ANTHRAX: Civilians are reluctant to join U.S. test of Anthrax vaccine (1/8/02)
ANTHRAX: Symptoms associated with anthrax exposure: suspected "aborted" anthrax. JAOA 102(1), 41-43, 2002 (1/8/02)
ANTHRAX: Testing may not detect anthrax (1/9/02)
ANTHRAX: Irradiated mail causes illness (1/11/02)
ANTHRAX: Ill postal worker has symptoms that stop short of Anthrax (1/11/02)
ANTHRAX: CDC says Anthrax risk diminishing (1/11/02)
ANTHRAX: A public mess (1/14/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax reward likely to go up (1/14/02)
ANTHRAX: FBI examining Anthrax link at Rutgers (1/15/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax vaccine may increase incidence of birth defects for pregnant women (1/16/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax shots pose pregnancy danger (1/18/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax probe centers on staffers of labs able to produce strain (1/18/02)
ANTHRAX: Response on Anthrax vaccine disappoints (1/18/02)
ANTHRAX: When buildings get Anthrax (1/18/02)
ANTHRAX: Senator wants Anthrax cleanup details (1/19/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax missing from Army lab (1/20/02)
ANTHRAX: Army lost track of Anthrax bacteria (1/21/02)
ANTHRAX: Missing Army microbes called non-Infectious (1/22/02)
ANTHRAX: Scientists report genetic finding that could aid Anthrax inquiry (1/22/02)
ANTHRAX: Hart Senate building reopens, Anthrax-free (1/22/02)
ANTHRAX: 'It's good to be back': senators return to Hart (1/23/02)
ANTHRAX: FBI says central N.J. may hold key to solving Anthrax mystery (1/23/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax at D.C. offices deadlier than first thought (1/23/02)
ANTHRAX: Scientists learn more about what makes Anthrax so deadly (1/23/02)
ANTHRAX: Authorities step up hunt for sender of Anthrax mail (1/24/02)
ANTHRAX: Federal agencies bicker over anthrax records (1/25/02)
ANTHRAX: Where Anthrax is old news (1/27/02)
ANTHRAX: One Anthrax answer: Ames strain not from Iowa (1/29/02)
ANTHRAX: FBI sends e-mail to 40,000 scientists (1/29/02)
ANTHRAX: Experts dissect last layer of Anthrax toxin (1/29/02)
ANTHRAX: A recipe for safe mail (1/30/02)
ANTHRAX: Health at issue as mail gets irradiated (1/31/02)
ANTHRAX: FDA clears BioPort to resume shipments of Anthrax vaccine (1/31/02)
Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (February 2002)
ANTHRAX: FDA releases Anthrax vaccine to military, approves more (2/01/02)
ANTHRAX: Trace of Anthrax found at FCC mail site (2/02/02)
ANTHRAX: For tabloids, a day that will live in infamy (2/04/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax at FCC mail facility cross-contamination (2/04/02)
ANTHRAX: 73 Senate workers report illness (2/07/02)
ANTHRAX: FBI's new approach in its search for Anthrax mailer focuses on labs (2/07/02)
ANTHRAX: Workers handling government mail report symptoms (2/09/02)
ANTHRAX: New Anthrax vaccines will take a while (2/09/02)
ANTHRAX: Workers rally for answers on reopening of post office (2/10/02)
ANTHRAX: Mail security measures create health concerns in Senate (2/11/02)
ANTHRAX: Agency with most need didn't get Anthrax data (2/11/02)
ANTHRAX: FBI hones in on military labs in hunt for source of Anthrax (2/12/02)
ANTHRAX: Scientist's findings could aid Anthrax inquiry (2/13/02)
ANTHRAX: Postal Service assures Corzine it plans to reopen Hamilton mail center (2/15/02)
ANTHRAX: Variance in Anthrax strains could crack case (2/18/02)
ANTHRAX: 'No One Asked Questions' (2/19/02)
ANTHRAX: Expert: Anthrax suspect ID'd (2/19/02)
ANTHRAX: Report notes swift course of inhalational Anthrax (2/20/02)
ANTHRAX: Hill workers feel irritated by irradiated envelopes (2/20/02)
ANTHRAX: FBI scrutinizes biodefense labs in anthrax probe (2/22/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax scare at Fort McPherson; 7 treated for possible exposure after package found (2/23/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax inhalation and lethal human infection (2/23/02)
ANTHRAX: White powder definitely not anthrax (2/24/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax survivor returns to work (2/24/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax suspect worked in U.S. lab (2/25/02)
ANTHRAX: FBI not close to identifying Anthrax probe suspect (2/25/02)
ANTHRAX: FBI still lacks identifiable suspect in Anthrax probe (2/26/02)
ANTHRAX: Labs are sent subpoenas for samples of Anthrax (2/27/02)
Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (March 2002)
ANTHRAX: Chief of D.C. health dept. will leave position in May (3/1/02)
ANTHRAX: Postal Service plans new procedures (3/1/02)
ANTHRAX: US bio-defence security lax (3/1/02)
ANTHRAX: FBI director defends pace of Anthrax investigation (3/2/02)
ANTHRAX: Science could help to crack Anthrax case (3/3/02)
ANTHRAX: Can Anthrax vaccine make you sick? Jury still out (3/4/02)
ANTHRAX: Experience at work in FBI Anthrax case (3/4/02)
ANTHRAX: Key dates in U.S. anthrax crisis (3/6/02)
ANTHRAX: Panel says Anthrax vaccine is safe (3/6/02)
ANTHRAX: Researchers call Anthrax vaccine safe and likely to work (3/7/02)
ANTHRAX: Cost of Anthrax cleanup on Hill to top $23 million, EPA says (3/7/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax toll could have been worse (3/8/02)
ANTHRAX: Security heightens across the nation (3/8/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax toll could have been far worse, study finds (3/8/02)
ANTHRAX: Potential Anthrax toll may never be known (3/8/02)
ANTHRAX: USPS sees new way to spot biohazards (3/9/02)
ANTHRAX: Johnnie Cochran looks to raise his profile locally (3/11/02)
ANTHRAX: Postal report to detail new procedures for anthrax contamination (3/12/02)
ANTHRAX: War threat crisis talks on anthrax (3/12/02)
ANTHRAX: Tex. lab worker handling Anthrax specimens is infected (3/13/02)
ANTHRAX: CDC UPDATE: Case of cutaneous Anthrax in a laboratory worker (3/13/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax attacks (3/14/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax vaccine is safe and effective--but needs improvement, says IOM (3/16/02)
ANTHRAX: In Anthrax crisis, learning from art (3/17/02)
ANTHRAX: Military lab studying Anthrax isn't set to receive some samples (3/20/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax laboratory fighting for power (3/22/02)
ANTHRAX: U.S. says it found Qaeda lab being built to produce Anthrax (3/23/02)
ANTHRAX: Report linking Anthrax and hijackers is investigated (3/23/02)
ANTHRAX: Officials continue to doubt hijackers' link to Anthrax (3/24/02)
ANTHRAX: Ashcroft: US still primary focus of Anthrax investigation (3/24/02)
ANTHRAX: Hijacker's lesion deepens mystery (3/24/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax probe was complicated by muddled information, FBI says (3/25/02)
ANTHRAX: A diagram for a red-letter day (3/26/02)
ANTHRAX: The Anthrax trail (3/26/02)
ANTHRAX: Director defends C.D.C.'s handling of Anthrax attacks (3/26/02)
ANTHRAX: Ask the FBI: The anthrax investigation (3/26/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax vaccine shows no effect on pregnancy odds (3/26/02)
ANTHRAX: Six months later: Anthrax lessons learned (3/26/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax victim's family sues Md. medical center (3/27/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax terror remains a mystery (3/27/02)
ANTHRAX: Elderly anthrax victim may have been infected by tearing up contaminated junk mail (3/27/02)
ANTHRAX: Postal Service preparing to begin anthrax cleanups (3/27/02)
ANTHRAX: Crowd seeks details of Brentwood cleanup (3/28/02)
ANTHRAX: Memo on Florida case roils Anthrax probe (3/29/02)
Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (April 2002)
ANTHRAX: Pentagon prepares for more vaccine (4/1/02)
ANTHRAX: Bioterror agents join list of 'emerging' ills (4/2/02)
ANTHRAX: FBI believes Anthrax sender could be U.S. scientist (4/4/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax victim wasn't wearing gloves (4/4/02)
ANTHRAX: US lab worker with Anthrax didn't wear gloves (4/4/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax shots do not up health visits in military (4/5/02)
ANTHRAX: FBI giving polygraph tests in Anthrax probe (4/6/02)
ANTHRAX: A sophisticated strain of Anthrax (4/8/02)
ANTHRAX: Powder used in Anthrax Attacks 'was not routine' (4/9/02)
ANTHRAX: 'Thousands' could be Anthrax suspects (4/9/02)
ANTHRAX: Official: unusual coating in Anthrax mailings (4/11/02)
ANTHRAX: Toothless germs can't bite: scientists research antitoxins (4/11/02)
ANTHRAX: Canada military drops Anthrax-vaccine court martial (4/11/02)
ANTHRAX: Missteps slow Pentagon vaccine program (4/12/02)
ANTHRAX: Spreading the word about Anthrax (4/12/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax fears hamper search for replacement for Hamilton facility (4/12/02)
ANTHRAX: Many leads, many dead ends (4/15/02)
ANTHRAX: Research yields new tools to detect Anthrax spores (4/16/02)
ANTHRAX: Cancer weapon? Potential cure could come from Anthrax (4/17/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax spores escape a lab at Fort Detrick (4/20/02)
ANTHRAX: Army worker is exposed to anthrax (4/20/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax patients' ailments linger (4/20/02)
ANTHRAX: Scientists weigh in with deductions on Anthrax killer (4/21/02)
ANTHRAX: No anthrax threat found at Army lab (4/23/02)
ANTHRAX: 2nd leak of Anthrax found at Army lab (4/24/02)
ANTHRAX: Study finds no health risk from irradiated mail (4/24/02)
ANTHRAX: More microbe testing planned at Detrick (4/25/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax found at postal facility (4/26/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax cleanup options weighed (4/27/02)
ANTHRAX: Remember Anthrax? (4/29/02)
ANTHRAX: Still waiting for answers (4/29/02)
ANTHRAX: Noticing a toxic similarity (4/29/02)
Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (May 2002)
ANTHRAX: A few anthrax spores can kill, doctors say (5/1/02)
ANTHRAX: Researchers say Anthrax is less fatal than feared (5/1/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax to shut postal station (5/1/02)
ANTHRAX: US team to destroy Uzbek anthrax (5/1/02)
ANTHRAX: One man's fight against Anthrax poisoning (5/4/02)
ANTHRAX: For Anthrax survivors, a halting, painful recovery (5/7/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax sent through mail gained potency by the letter (5/7/02)
ANTHRAX: Walnut Creek lab enlisted in biowarfare (5/8/02)
ANTHRAX: Senators criticize FBI chief for not acting on warning (5/9/02)
ANTHRAX: Postal theory: mail sorter acted as mill for Anthrax (5/9/02)
ANTHRAX: Congressmen receiving Christmas cards (5/9/02)
ANTHRAX: Fed mail to be tested for Anthrax spores (5/10/02)
ANTHRAX: Tests show Anthrax in attacks came from military supplies (5/10/02)
ANTHRAX: Clues to Anthrax attacks found (5/10/02)
ANTHRAX: Study maps varied Anthrax samples (5/10/02)
ANTHRAX: Questions, answers on Anthrax probe (5/11/02)
ANTHRAX: The deepening Anthrax mystery (5/11/02)
ANTHRAX: Monkey deficit crimps laboratories as scientists scramble for alternatives (5/14/02)
ANTHRAX: Study: Anthrax tainted up to 5,000 letters (5/14/02)
ANTHRAX: Med centers to test Anthrax vaccine (5/14/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax vaccine challenged (5/15/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax vaccination policy reviewed (5/17/02)
ANTHRAX: F.B.I.'s Anthrax inquiry (5/18/02)
ANTHRAX: The men who knew too little (5/19/02)
ANTHRAX: No decision on Anthrax vaccine program (5/20/02)
ANTHRAX: Bitter researchers are cause for concern in germ warfare (5/20/02)
ANTHRAX: FBI to polygraph workers in Md., Utah on Anthrax (5/21/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax probe turns to polygraph (5/22/02)
ANTHRAX: IMF-World Bank Anthrax response causes furor (5/22/02)
ANTHRAX: World Bank: final test shows no Anthrax In mail (5/23/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax attacks put microbiologists under magnifier (5/24/02)
ANTHRAX: Recent anthrax scares turn up nothing (5/24/02)
ANTHRAX: U.S. anthrax vaccine to be shared (5/31/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax antidote being developed (5/31/02)
Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (June 2002)
ANTHRAX: FBI reform: connect Anthrax dots (6/3/02)
ANTHRAX: Congressional panel widens terror probe (6/5/02)
ANTHRAX: Update: Cutaneous Anthrax in a Laboratory Worker -- Texas, 2002 (6/7/02)
ANTHRAX: Administration sued in Anthrax case (6/7/02)
ANTHRAX: Wallingford Anthrax cleanup done (6/8/02)
ANTHRAX: Daschle pledges to hurry reopening (6/10/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax theory emerges (6/13/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax cleanup nearing end (6/14/02)
ANTHRAX: FBI probes leads on Anthrax source (6/14/02)
ANTHRAX: Brentwood deaths put employees on edge (6/15/02)
ANTHRAX: Genetics not helping Anthrax probe (6/19/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax in mail was newly made, investigators say (6/23/02)
ANTHRAX: Scars from Anthrax attacks are fading but are not fully healed (6/23/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax spores from Hill said to be made recently (6/23/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax probe frustrates lawmakers (6/23/02)
ANTHRAX: FBI mystified by anthrax attacks (6/24/02)
ANTHRAX: Searching for Anthrax clues (6/25/02)
ANTHRAX: Frederick scientist's home searched in anthrax probe (6/26/02)
ANTHRAX: Scientist theorized anthrax mail attack (6/27/02)
ANTHRAX: Biological warfare experts questioned in Anthrax probe (6/28/02)
ANTHRAX: Officials detail Brentwood cleanup plans (6/28/02)
ANTHRAX: Pentagon to resume Anthrax vaccinations (6/29/02)
ANTHRAX: '90 study aided experts in stockpile decision (6/29/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax probe focuses on scientists (6/29/02)
Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (July 2002)
ANTHRAX: AWB sympathiser quizzed over anthrax killings (7/1/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax? The F.B.I. yawns (7/2/02)
ANTHRAX: Irradiating mail to Congress may be making workers ill (7/2/02)
ANTHRAX: No Anthrax found in home of former US Army scientist (7/3/02)
ANTHRAX: Solving the Anthrax case -- with no mistakes (7/8/02)
ANTHRAX: This war needs quiet lawyers (7/9/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax case homes in on unusual suspect (7/10/02)
ANTHRAX: The Anthrax files (7/12/02)
ANTHRAX: Postal inspector's severe illness defies diagnosis after 9 months (7/15/02)
ANTHRAX: Two think patient's symptoms may be missed Anthrax (7/17/02)
ANTHRAX: Boss says Md. doctor isn't anthrax suspect (7/18/02)
ANTHRAX: Case of the missing Anthrax (7/19/02)
ANTHRAX: White House warns on Anthrax tests (7/19/02)
ANTHRAX: Student who kept Anthrax charged (7/23/02)
ANTHRAX: A lack of teamwork (7/23/02)
ANTHRAX: UConn student disputes Anthrax case (7/24/02)
ANTHRAX: NZ scientists find Anthrax in Scott's Antarctic hut (7/24/02)
ANTHRAX: At Anthrax base, 'space suits' and haze of suspicion (7/25/02)
ANTHRAX: Brentwood fumigation equipment faces test (7/26/02)
ANTHRAX: Optimism, uncertainty over Brentwood plant (7/27/02)
ANTHRAX: An Anthrax cleanup stirs uncertainties (7/27/02)
ANTHRAX: Army aims to correct "sloppy methods" after accidental release of Anthrax spores (7/27/02)
ANTHRAX: Here they zap, if not zip, mail to U.S. government (7/29/02)
ANTHRAX: No problems In test-run of Brentwood fumigation (7/30/02)
Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (August 2002)
ANTHRAX: Md. home searched in probe of Anthrax (8/2/02)
ANTHRAX: FBI Again searches the home of former Army researcher (8/2/02)
ANTHRAX: Third FBI search of researcher’s apartment (8/2/02)
ANTHRAX: Researcher Is suspended during probe of Anthrax (8/3/02)
ANTHRAX: Still no arrests in Anthrax probe, but 'progress' is noted (8/4/02)
ANTHRAX: The hunt for the Anthrax killer (8/12/02, posted 8/5/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax vaccine maker calls finances shaky (8/5/02)
ANTHRAX: Security clearance with faulty resume (8/8/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax probe proceeding with increased vigor (8/8/02)
ANTHRAX: Long after Anthrax scare, agency mail delays persist (8/8/02)
ANTHRAX: Man in Anthrax probe bragged of ties (8/8/02)
ANTHRAX: Lawsuit over Anthrax death settled (8/9/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax inquiry draws protest from scientist's lawyers (8/10/02)
ANTHRAX: Ex-Army scientist denies role in Anthrax attacks (8/11/02)
ANTHRAX: Scientist says he's anthrax 'fall guy' (8/12/02)
ANTHRAX: Mr. Hatfill's complaint (8/13/02)
ANTHRAX: The Anthrax files (8/13/02)
ANTHRAX: FBI defends anthrax inquiry (8/13/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax finding prompts questions in Princeton about scientist (8/14/02)
ANTHRAX: Hatfill novel depicts terror attack (8/14/02)
ANTHRAX: Evidence lacking as probe of scientist in Anthrax scare intensifies (8/15/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax case poses troubling questions (8/15/02)
ANTHRAX: Who's suspect here? (8/16/02)
ANTHRAX: Post Office plans tests for Anthrax in New Jersey (8/17/02)
ANTHRAX: Gotcha (8/18/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax killer 'is US defence insider' (8/18/02)
ANTHRAX: Official suspects Anthrax is from last Fall (8/20/02)
ANTHRAX: 3 postal centers tested in New Jersey (8/22/02)
ANTHRAX: Ashcroft: no charges yet in Anthrax probe (8/22/02)
ANTHRAX: The trials of a citizen soldier (8/25/02)
ANTHRAX: Handling of Anthrax inquiry questioned (8/25/02)
ANTHRAX: Illness lingers, loyalty wanes (8/26/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax figure steps up offense (8/26/02)
ANTHRAX: Three postal centers free of Anthrax (8/27/02)
ANTHRAX: FBI returns to tabloid offices In search of new Anthrax leads (8/27/02)
ANTHRAX: In the lab, suspicion spreads (8/28/02)
ANTHRAX: The Anthrax probe: more FBI bungling? (8/30/02)
Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (September 2002)
ANTHRAX: Culprit in anthrax attacks still elusive (9/2/02)
ANTHRAX: LSU fires scientist In Anthrax investigation (9/4/02)
ANTHRAX: LSU fires professor 'of interest' to FBI in Anthrax probe (9/5/02)
ANTHRAX: LSU: Justice did not cause Hatfill firing (9/5/02)
ANTHRAX: Blacklisting Steven Hatfill (9/5/02)
ANTHRAX: FBI criticized for failing to solve Anthrax case (9/5/02)
ANTHRAX: LSU axes official (9/5/02)
ANTHRAX: In second move, germ attack training center fires director (9/6/02)
ANTHRAX: The hunting of Steven J. Hatfill (9/16/02; posted 9/7/02)
ANTHRAX: Answers in anthrax probe still elusive (9/10/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax search in Boca building ends (9/11/02)
ANTHRAX: Overuse of Anthrax drug may prove deadly: scientist (9/11/02)
ANTHRAX: Agents finish building search (9/12/02)
ANTHRAX: Scientist's apartment searched a third time (9/12/02)
ANTHRAX: 811 AMI letters among items collected (9/14/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax at AMI traveled via copiers (9/15/02)
ANTHRAX: Science slow to ponder ills that linger in Anthrax victims (9/16/02)
ANTHRAX: Post office tests Anthrax prevention (9/16/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax hunt conspires to dent confidence (9/17/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax hits, misses traced In CDC study (9/18/02)
ANTHRAX: Proof of 'person of interest' sought (9/19/02)
ANTHRAX: Dead anthrax spores entered Boca sewer (9/19/02)
ANTHRAX: Sen. Nelson’s anthrax cleanup bill revised (9/21/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax attacks pushed open an ominous door (9/22/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax probe raises doubts on FBI (9/23/02)
ANTHRAX: Brentwood post office gets new name (9/26/02)
ANTHRAX: Senate panel puts off bill for AMI cleanup (9/27/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax cleanup test ordered (9/27/02)
ANTHRAX: Anthrax attacks remembered (9/28/02)
ANTHRAX: Survivors still wrestle with pain, fatigue and shortness of breath (9/30/02)
ANTHRAX: Contaminated headquarters of tabloid publisher 'in limbo' (9/30/02)

Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (November 2001)

Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (December 2001)

Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (January 2002)

Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (February 2002)

Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (March 2002)

Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (April 2002)

Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (May 2002)

Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (June 2002)

Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (July 2002)

Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (August 2002)

Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (September 2002)

Anthrax Articles in Ascending Order (October 2002)
| ||
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Anthrax case remains frustrating (10/1/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | NIH awards $22.5 million to develop Anthrax vaccine (10/4/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | U.S. officials agonize over Anthrax decisions (10/4/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Anniversary of Stevens' death marks year since anthrax attacks (10/4/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Fired researcher in Anthrax probe plans to sue (10/5/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | AMI -- one year later Perseverance keeps tabloid giant rolling following anthrax attack (10/6/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Questions linger a year after Anthrax mailings (10/7/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | The Anthrax crisis (10/8/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | A year later, clues on anthrax still few (10/9/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Former Army scientist forged Ph.D. certificate, school says (10/9/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | An Anthrax widow may sue U.S. (10/9/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | 1 year later, anthrax alert still echoes (10/10/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Investigators gone, town remembers (10/13/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Anthrax episode side effects still trouble many (10/13/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Anthrax bout leaves grim legacy for survivors (10/14/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Armchair sleuths track Anthrax without a badge (10/14/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Anthrax simulation 'kills' half a million (10/15/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | One year later, D.C. postal workers question handling of Anthrax crisis (10/15/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Firm to do human tests of new Anthrax vaccine (10/16/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Experts see lax preparation for bio-warfare (10/19/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Anthrax vaccinations resumed by Marines (10/19/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Truckload of anthrax-related waste coming to Norfolk (10/19/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | One year later (10/20/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | FBI in Zim, S. Africa (10/20/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Sleuth without a badge (10/28/02, posted 10/21/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Cast adrift by Anthrax (10/22/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Pilots left military over Anthrax (10/23/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Bloodhounds lead investigators to ex-government scientist in Anthrax case (10/23/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Mail rooms prepared one year after anthrax attack (10/25/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Vaccine controversy skips Pease (10/26/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | FBI's theory on Anthrax is doubted (10/28/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | FBI's use of bloodhounds in anthrax probe disputed (10/29/02) |
![]() | ANTHRAX: | Many workers ignored Anthrax pill regimen (10/30/02) |
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