August 1, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 6, Britain Reveals Four Zone Plan For Palestine; Jewish and Arab States Set Up, If U.S. Aids,

August 1, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 6, Truman Orders Aids Home For Palestinian Talk,

August 1, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 7, Big Arms Cache Is Discovered In Tel Aviv Church; Army Chaplain Uncovers Secret of Synagog, by Clay Gowran, (Chicago Tribune Press Service)

August 1, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, pages 1, 20, Declares U.S. At Fault For Stalin Menace; Wherry Puts Blame on Secret Deals, by Chesly Manly, Chicago Tribune Press Service,
August 1, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 1, Bomb Starts Fire In German Hotel; Kilian Trial Scene,
August 1, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 2, Illinois House Urges Georgia To Ban Lynching,
August 1, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 4, Bare Probe of Klan Activities In Seven States,
August 1, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 5, A.M.A. Journal Rips Oculists Taking Rebates,
August 1, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 6, Britain Reveals Four Zone Plan For Palestine; Jewish and Arab States Set Up, If U.S. Aids,
August 1, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 6, Truman Orders Aids Home For Palestinian Talk,
August 1, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 7, Big Arms Cache Is Discovered In Tel Aviv Church; Army Chaplain Uncovers Secret of Synagog, by Clay Gowran, (Chicago Tribune Press Service)
August 1, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 7, 2 U.S. Officers Tell Detention By Reds 27 Days,
August 1, 1946, AP - The Gettysburg Times, page 9, Reds Release 2 Yanks Held For 27 Days,
August 1, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 10, Jap Conquest Plans Traced Back To 1923,
August 1, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 12, Russia Rejects Inspection of Atom Facilities Gromyko Rips U.S. Plan As 'Superficial', by Walter Trohan, (Chicago Tribune Press Service)
August 1, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 12, U.N. Considers New Members; Fear Veto Use (Chicago Tribune Press Service)
August 1, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 13, Row In Senate On U.S. Bowing To World Court; Blast Attempt to Veil Treaty as Legislation, (Chicago Tribune Press Service)
August 1, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 14, Newport Trash Pile Stirs Up Swank Colony,
August 1, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 35, Demand Probe Of Ship Deals By 2 Agencies; Charges a Million Government Loss,
August 2, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 3, Disclose Cache of Munitions In Tel Aviv School, by Clay Gowran,
August 2, 1946, Chicago Daily Tribune, page 3, Quit Palestine If U.S. Won’t Aid, Britain Advised; Churchill Says America Must Share Burden, by N. R. Noderer,
August 2, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 7, 'Babs' Hutton's House In London Accepted By U.S.,
August 2, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 12, Nazi Pre-War Spying In U.S, Told At Trial,
August 2, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 14, Editorial, Some Burocrats Cash In,
August 3, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 2, U.S. Expected To Oppose New 4 Nation Trials,
August 3, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 2, Bare Nazi Plan To Sterilize Or Oust Half Jews,
August 3, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 2, Plants Looted In U.S. Zone of Reich, Reds Say,
August 3, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 3, Chicago Girl, 18, Relates Forced Labor For Nazis,
August 3, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 3, Hitler Yacht To Be Sold By Britain’s Navy,
August 3, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 5, British Capture No. 2 Bad Man In Palestine Hunt,
August 3, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 5, Hints Dropping of Mandate,
August 4, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 1, Red Spying on U.S. Army in Berlin Bared; Link 2 Russian Officers With Secrets Theft; German Aids Used to Get Data,
August 4, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 4, Defends Nazis’ SS As Protective Unit For Traffic Control,
August 4, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 5, Atom Bomb at Bikini Makes Target Ships Look Like Toy Fleet Under Geyser,
August 4, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 16, Denies America Has Ransacked German Plants,
August 4, 1946, AP – Chicago Tribune, page 17, Report 6 Ships Carrying Jews To Palestine; More Than 3,000 Said to Be En Route,
August 4, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 21, British Explain Troop Move To Iraq In 2 Ways,
August 5, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 5, Jews Jam Haifa Port; Clamor To Enter Palestine; 3,300 There; 4,000 More Reported on Way, by Clay Gowran,
August 5, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 6, Britons Trade Heirlooms For Yank Dollars; Paintings, Books Go to Rich Collectors; by Gwen Morgan,
August 5, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 7, Anti-Lynch Law Urged By Group At Rally Here,August 7, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 19, U.S. and Russia Clash On Atom Bomb Control, by Walter Trohan
August 7, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 19, Writer Finds British Fumble Palestine Ball; Muddling Presents Sad Picture, He Says, by Clay Gowran,
August 8 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 12, Britain To Send 'Illegal' Jews To Cyprus Camp,
August 8 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 12, Hints U.S. Aid For Refugee Jews' Exodus, August 8, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 6, Order Army Trials For 2 Officers Who Were Seized By Reds,
August 9, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 6, Palestine Jews Evicted To Clear Sites For Forts; Many Settled for Years Tell of Hardship, by Clay Gowran,
August 9, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 6, U.S. Likely To Hand Britain A Counter Plan For Palestine,
August 9, 1946, Chicago Tribune, War Crimes Court Petitioned To Test Rudolf Hess' Sanity,
August 10, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 2, Britain Asks Europe To Halt Exodus of Jews; Appeals to Reds, Poland, Romania and Others,
August 10, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 2, U.S. Army Trying To Nip Organized Jewish Exodus,
August 11 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 16, Britain To Seize Ships Carrying Jews In Flight,
August 11 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 17, Cyprus Restive As British Fix Camps For Jews; Report Palestine Bound Refugees to Be Held,
August 11, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 21, Alabama Mob Routs Negroes From Streets; Storms Theater; Victims Beaten, Trampled,
August 12, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 1, British To Take Over Germany's Biggest Armaments Plane,
August 12, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 3, Alabama Town Quiet, 9 In Jail After Race Riot,
August 12 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 9, Disguised Jews Beaten Off In Hospital Raid; Fail in Attempt to Free 3 Injured Colleagues,
August 13, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 1, British Shut Holy Land To Jewish 'Illegals'; Assail Zionists for Helping Refugees Flee Europe,
August 13, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 2, British 'Prison' Ships Arrive; Palestine Tense; Expect Use of Craft to Deport Jews, by Clay Gowran,
August 13, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 2, British Decision Won't Stop Jews, Says Zionist Chief,
August 13, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 2, 22 Jews Create Rumpus, Delay Trial by British,
August 13, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 6, Von Rundstedt Says Army Kept Out of Politics,
August 13, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 7, Free 9 On Bond, Call Grand Jury In Alabama Riot,
August 13, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 9, Despair Grows In Germany As Allies Wrangle; Fear Completely Broken Nation as Result, by Larry Rue,
August 13, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 9, Stocks Seized By Reds Trickle Back Into Reich, by Hal Foust,
August 13, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 10, Editorial, The Slave Traders,
August 14, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 1, British Fight Jews; Kill 3; Illegal Immigrants Are Shipped to Cyprus, by Clay Gowran,
August 14, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 1, London Charges U.S. Sources Aid Exodus To Zion,August 14, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 10, Glencoe Rabbi's Wife Tells of Grief of Jews,
August 14, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 6, 'Alumni' of Nazi Horror Camps Hold Reunion; Association Formed; Pole Is President,
August 14, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 6, Germans Lay New Kidnappings To Berlin Reds, by Hal Foust,
August 14, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 11, Report London Asks U.S. Aid In Stopping Jews; Washington Studies British Plea,
August 15, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 6, Palestine Jews Told To Launch General Revolt; Underground Radio Calls for 'Constant War',
August 15, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 7, Report Truman Favors Bigger Zone For Jews; White House Silent on Palestine Note, by John Fisher,
August 15, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 7, Mass Burial of Jews Bared At Nuernberg,
August 15, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 17, Report British Reject Request To Leave Iraq; Maintain Troops Near Oil Fields in Iran,
August 16, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 5, King a Landlord At U.S. Envoy's New Residence, by Gwen Morgan,
August 16, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 12, Editorial, The Missing Papers,
August 16, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 15, Palestine Plan Spiked, British Seek a New One; Truman Balks and Offers Some Suggestions,
August 16, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 15, Palestine Need Is More Jews, Says Ben Hecht,
August 16, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 15, Agree To Help 12,200 Refugees Coming To U.S.,
August 16, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 15, Group Protests British and U.S. Policy On Jews,
August 16, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 15, Tighten Guard Against Bombs In Jerusalem,
August 17, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 1, 'Special' Law To Admit Jews Is Considered; Crisis in Palestine Brings Move, by Chesly Manly,
August 17, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 2, Tents Become Jews' Homes In Camp On Cyprus,
August 17, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 2, British Making Palestine Fort, Gillette Finds; Set Up Strongholds of Concrete, He Says,
August 17, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 2, 18 Jews Doomed For Bombing Haifa Railway; Four Young Women Given Life Sentences, by Clay Gowran,
August 17, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 3, Nazis Flee Mines,
August 17, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 4, Ten GI's Accused of Holding Korean Girls in Prison Cages,
August 17, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 4, Counsel Seeks To Put Goering Back On Stand,
August 17, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 8, Editorial, Who Were the Big War Grafters?,
August 18, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 1, British Mass Force to Take Jews Off Ships, by Clay Gowran,
August 18, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 10, Middle Eastern Crisis Held Key To World Peace, by Larry Rue,
August 18, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 14, Prepare Cyprus Camp To Hold 10,000 Refugees; Jews There Temporarily, British Say,
August 18, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 14, Jewish Leaders and Bevin Hold Parley In Paris,
August 18, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 20, Bare Nazi Plan To Build Army By 'Free Love',
August 18, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 20, Hitler Secret Order To Invade England Bared,
August 19, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 1, Jewish Refugees Fight British Guards in Cyprus Camp; Deportees Use Sticks, Stones Against Guns; Battle Ban on Talks with Newsmen,
August 19, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 5, Secret Records Reveal Mufti's Pro-Axis Plots; Captured Papers Show Sabotage of Allies,
August 19, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 10, Jews Driven Onto Ship; Try To Blow It Up; British Use Tear Gas and Hose on refugees, by Clay Gowran,
August 19, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 15, Four Nurses Get Death for Killings In Germany,
August 19, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 15, Weigh U.S. Army Job In Germany; Peace Or War?, by Henry Wales,
August 19, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 18, Editorial, Incubator of War,
August 20, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 5, Hint British To Yield To Jews On Some Points; Cabinet Takes Up Zionist Issue Tomorrow,
August 20, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 5, Military Court Assumes Power To Try Civilians; Claims Rule Over All in German Zone,
August 20, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 6, Nazis Forced To Unearth 36 Bodies of Jews,
August 20, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 7, Goering Move At Trial Called a Filibuster,
August 21, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 1, Loop Votes 4-1: Keep U.S. Army From Palestine, by Clayton Kirkpatrick,
August 21, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 3, Spain Yields To Allies; Will Oust 110 Nazis,
August 21, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 10, Briton Guilty of Manslaughter in Killing Jew for 'Dirty Look', by Clay Gowran,
August 21, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 11, Mufti Suggests Records of Aid To Nazis Are Forged,
August 21, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 11, Britain To Ask U.N. Mandate To Rule Palestine; Sole Trusteeship Aim, Says Official,
August 21, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 18, Finds Hess Sane Tho Suffering From Amnesia,
August 22, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 4, British Promise Germans 1,500 Calories a Day,
August 22, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 11, Report British Army Isolates Tel Aviv Region,
August 22, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 11, Plot To Wreck Truman Jewish Policy Charged; British 'Captives' in State Dept. Accused, by John Fisher,
August 23, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 13, German Pleads For Acquittal of Nazi Party,
August 23, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 13, Hitler's Head Handman Seized at Hospital,
August 23, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 7, Name 149 More Listed In Nazi Party Records,
August 23, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 10, Demand Probe Of 'Sabotage' In Jewish Policy,
August 23, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 10, Jews Fix Bomb and Blast Hole In British Ship; Underground Admits Its Swimmers Did It, by Clay Gowran,
August 24, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 6, Ship Carrying Jews Is Moved After a Threat,
August 24, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 4, 16 Are Indicted In Race Riot Investigation,
August 25, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 1, Western Allies Still Hold 1,500,000 Nazi Prisoners, by John Thompson,
August 25, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 1, End Slave Labor: AFL,
August 25, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 7, Jews To Stand Pat On Demand For Own State; Woman Leader Tells of Zionist Attitude, by Clay Gowran,
August 25, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 17, Seek Former Nazi Official In Rohl Probe; Links to Pearl Harbor Deals Studied,
August 25, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 22, Editorial, Mr. Roosevelt and the Sheiks of Araby,
August 26, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 7, 'U.S. of Arabia' Seen As Result of Zionist Fight; Arab Leader Predicts an 8-State Federation.
August 26, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 18, Editorial, Imperialism As Usual,
August 27, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 2, Jewish Village Raided In Hunt For Saboteurs, by Clay Gowran,
August 27, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 2, London Talks On Palestine To Open Sept. 9; British to Confer with Arabs and Jews,
August 27, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 12, Editorial, A Militant Voice For Freedom,
August 28, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 6, Arab Threatens 'There'll Be No London Parley'; Angered by British Words on Mufti's Attendance,
August 28, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 6, 601 Jews Land at Cyprus; Go To Detention Camp,
August 28, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 9, Carried On Like Soldiers, Says German Staff,
August 28, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 11, Czechs Split On 'Light' Sentence For Nazi Friends; Authority of Court Held to Be at Stake,
August 29, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 7, We'll Send Navy 'Anywhere We Please': Halsey,
August 29, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 15, Warns of New Terror If Nazis Go Unpunished,
August 29, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 18, Editorial, The British Alliance,
August 29, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 8, British Uncover More Caches of Jewish Weapons; Search Farm Villages Amid Fresh Threats, by Clay Gowran,
August 30, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 3, Shun Palestine Peace Parley, Arabs Are Told,
August 30, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 5, Guilty Verdict Demanded For 5 Nazi Groups,
August 30, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 1, 3d Atom Bomb Test Set For Next Spring May Be Called Off,
August 13, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 6, Von Rundstedt Says Army Kept Out of Politics,
August 13, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 7, Free 9 On Bond, Call Grand Jury In Alabama Riot,
August 13, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 9, Despair Grows In Germany As Allies Wrangle; Fear Completely Broken Nation as Result, by Larry Rue,
August 13, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 9, Stocks Seized By Reds Trickle Back Into Reich, by Hal Foust,
August 13, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 10, Editorial, The Slave Traders,
August 14, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 1, British Fight Jews; Kill 3; Illegal Immigrants Are Shipped to Cyprus, by Clay Gowran,
August 14, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 1, London Charges U.S. Sources Aid Exodus To Zion,August 14, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 10, Glencoe Rabbi's Wife Tells of Grief of Jews,
August 14, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 6, 'Alumni' of Nazi Horror Camps Hold Reunion; Association Formed; Pole Is President,
August 14, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 6, Germans Lay New Kidnappings To Berlin Reds, by Hal Foust,
August 14, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 11, Report London Asks U.S. Aid In Stopping Jews; Washington Studies British Plea,
August 15, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 6, Palestine Jews Told To Launch General Revolt; Underground Radio Calls for 'Constant War',
August 15, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 7, Report Truman Favors Bigger Zone For Jews; White House Silent on Palestine Note, by John Fisher,
August 15, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 7, Mass Burial of Jews Bared At Nuernberg,
August 15, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 17, Report British Reject Request To Leave Iraq; Maintain Troops Near Oil Fields in Iran,
August 16, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 5, King a Landlord At U.S. Envoy's New Residence, by Gwen Morgan,
August 16, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 12, Editorial, The Missing Papers,
August 16, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 15, Palestine Plan Spiked, British Seek a New One; Truman Balks and Offers Some Suggestions,
August 16, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 15, Palestine Need Is More Jews, Says Ben Hecht,
August 16, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 15, Agree To Help 12,200 Refugees Coming To U.S.,
August 16, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 15, Group Protests British and U.S. Policy On Jews,
August 16, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 15, Tighten Guard Against Bombs In Jerusalem,
August 17, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 1, 'Special' Law To Admit Jews Is Considered; Crisis in Palestine Brings Move, by Chesly Manly,
August 17, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 2, Tents Become Jews' Homes In Camp On Cyprus,
August 17, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 2, British Making Palestine Fort, Gillette Finds; Set Up Strongholds of Concrete, He Says,
August 17, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 2, 18 Jews Doomed For Bombing Haifa Railway; Four Young Women Given Life Sentences, by Clay Gowran,
August 17, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 3, Nazis Flee Mines,
August 17, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 4, Ten GI's Accused of Holding Korean Girls in Prison Cages,
August 17, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 4, Counsel Seeks To Put Goering Back On Stand,
August 17, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 8, Editorial, Who Were the Big War Grafters?,
August 18, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 1, British Mass Force to Take Jews Off Ships, by Clay Gowran,
August 18, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 10, Middle Eastern Crisis Held Key To World Peace, by Larry Rue,
August 18, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 14, Prepare Cyprus Camp To Hold 10,000 Refugees; Jews There Temporarily, British Say,
August 18, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 14, Jewish Leaders and Bevin Hold Parley In Paris,
August 18, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 20, Bare Nazi Plan To Build Army By 'Free Love',
August 18, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 20, Hitler Secret Order To Invade England Bared,
August 19, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 1, Jewish Refugees Fight British Guards in Cyprus Camp; Deportees Use Sticks, Stones Against Guns; Battle Ban on Talks with Newsmen,
August 19, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 5, Secret Records Reveal Mufti's Pro-Axis Plots; Captured Papers Show Sabotage of Allies,
August 19, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 10, Jews Driven Onto Ship; Try To Blow It Up; British Use Tear Gas and Hose on refugees, by Clay Gowran,
August 19, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 15, Four Nurses Get Death for Killings In Germany,
August 19, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 15, Weigh U.S. Army Job In Germany; Peace Or War?, by Henry Wales,
August 19, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 18, Editorial, Incubator of War,
August 20, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 5, Hint British To Yield To Jews On Some Points; Cabinet Takes Up Zionist Issue Tomorrow,
August 20, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 5, Military Court Assumes Power To Try Civilians; Claims Rule Over All in German Zone,
August 20, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 6, Nazis Forced To Unearth 36 Bodies of Jews,
August 20, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 7, Goering Move At Trial Called a Filibuster,
August 21, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 1, Loop Votes 4-1: Keep U.S. Army From Palestine, by Clayton Kirkpatrick,
August 21, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 3, Spain Yields To Allies; Will Oust 110 Nazis,
August 21, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 10, Briton Guilty of Manslaughter in Killing Jew for 'Dirty Look', by Clay Gowran,
August 21, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 11, Mufti Suggests Records of Aid To Nazis Are Forged,
August 21, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 11, Britain To Ask U.N. Mandate To Rule Palestine; Sole Trusteeship Aim, Says Official,
August 21, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 18, Finds Hess Sane Tho Suffering From Amnesia,
August 22, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 4, British Promise Germans 1,500 Calories a Day,
August 22, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 11, Report British Army Isolates Tel Aviv Region,
August 22, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 11, Plot To Wreck Truman Jewish Policy Charged; British 'Captives' in State Dept. Accused, by John Fisher,
August 23, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 13, German Pleads For Acquittal of Nazi Party,
August 23, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 13, Hitler's Head Handman Seized at Hospital,
August 23, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 7, Name 149 More Listed In Nazi Party Records,
August 23, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 10, Demand Probe Of 'Sabotage' In Jewish Policy,
August 23, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 10, Jews Fix Bomb and Blast Hole In British Ship; Underground Admits Its Swimmers Did It, by Clay Gowran,
August 24, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 6, Ship Carrying Jews Is Moved After a Threat,
August 24, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 4, 16 Are Indicted In Race Riot Investigation,
August 25, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 1, Western Allies Still Hold 1,500,000 Nazi Prisoners, by John Thompson,
August 25, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 1, End Slave Labor: AFL,
August 25, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 7, Jews To Stand Pat On Demand For Own State; Woman Leader Tells of Zionist Attitude, by Clay Gowran,
August 25, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 17, Seek Former Nazi Official In Rohl Probe; Links to Pearl Harbor Deals Studied,
August 25, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 22, Editorial, Mr. Roosevelt and the Sheiks of Araby,
August 26, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 7, 'U.S. of Arabia' Seen As Result of Zionist Fight; Arab Leader Predicts an 8-State Federation.
August 26, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 18, Editorial, Imperialism As Usual,
August 27, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 2, Jewish Village Raided In Hunt For Saboteurs, by Clay Gowran,
August 27, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 2, London Talks On Palestine To Open Sept. 9; British to Confer with Arabs and Jews,
August 27, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 12, Editorial, A Militant Voice For Freedom,
August 28, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 6, Arab Threatens 'There'll Be No London Parley'; Angered by British Words on Mufti's Attendance,
August 28, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 6, 601 Jews Land at Cyprus; Go To Detention Camp,
August 28, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 9, Carried On Like Soldiers, Says German Staff,
August 28, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 11, Czechs Split On 'Light' Sentence For Nazi Friends; Authority of Court Held to Be at Stake,
August 29, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 7, We'll Send Navy 'Anywhere We Please': Halsey,
August 29, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 15, Warns of New Terror If Nazis Go Unpunished,
August 29, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 18, Editorial, The British Alliance,
August 29, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 8, British Uncover More Caches of Jewish Weapons; Search Farm Villages Amid Fresh Threats, by Clay Gowran,
August 30, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 3, Shun Palestine Peace Parley, Arabs Are Told,
August 30, 1946, AP - Chicago Tribune, page 5, Guilty Verdict Demanded For 5 Nazi Groups,
August 30, 1946, Chicago Tribune, page 1, 3d Atom Bomb Test Set For Next Spring May Be Called Off,
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